<%@ LANGUAGE = JScript %> 

// Because the Expiration Information is sent in the HTTP
// headers, it must be set before any HTML is transmitted

// Ensure that this page expires within 10 minutes...
Response.Expires = 10;

// ...or before Jan 1, 1999, which ever comes first
Response.ExpiresAbsolute="Jan 1,1999 13:30:15";

<TITLE>Setting Expiration Information</TITLE>

<BODY BGCOLOR="White" topmargin="10" leftmargin="10">

<!-- Display Header -->

<font size="4" face="Arial, Helvetica">
<b>Setting Expiration Information</b></font><br>

<hr size="1" color="#000000">

<p>This page will expire from your browser's cache in
10 minutes. If it is after Jan. 1, 1999 (1:30 PM), then
the page will expire from the cache immediately.