<%@ LANGUAGE = JScript %> 
// Declare a simple fixed size array
aFixed = new Array(4);

// Declare a dynamic (resizable) array
aColors = new Array();

// Assign values to fixed size array

aFixed[0] = "Fixed";
aFixed[1] = "Size";
aFixed[2] = "Array";
aFixed[3] = "Session ID: " + Session.SessionID;

// Store values representing a simple color table
// to each of the elements

aColors[0] = "RED";
aColors[1] = "GREEN";
aColors[2] = "BLUE";
aColors[3] = "AQUA";
aColors[4] = "YELLOW";
aColors[5] = "FUCHSIA";
aColors[6] = "GRAY";
aColors[7] = "LIME";
aColors[8] = "MAROON";
aColors[9] = "NAVY";
aColors[10] = "OLIVE";
aColors[11] = "PURPLE";
aColors[12] = "SILVER";
aColors[13] = "TEAL";

<TITLE>Array Sample</TITLE>

<BODY BGCOLOR="White" topmargin="10" leftmargin="10">

<!-- Display Header -->

<FONT SIZE="4" FACE="Arial, Helvetica">
<B>Array Sample</B></FONT><BR>

<HR SIZE="1" COLOR="#000000">

<FONT SIZE="3" FACE="Arial, Helvetica">
<B>A Resizable Array</B><br>

<FONT SIZE="3" FACE="Arial, Helvetica">
<B>A Fixed Size (4 element) Array</B><BR>

// Calculate Array Size

nColors = aColors.length;

// Print out contents of resizable array
// into table column

for(i = 0; i < nColors; i++)
Response.Write("<FONT COLOR=" + aColors[i] + ">" + aColors[i] + "<br></FONT>");

// Calculate Array Size

nColors = aFixed.length;

// Print out contents of fixed array into
// table column

for(i = 0; i < nColors; i++)
Response.Write(aFixed[i] + "<br>");