CTETEST.DLL is a sample ISAPI HTTP Extension DLL to demonstrate Chunked  
Transfer Encoding. The Chunked Transfer Encoding modifies the body of a
message in order to transfer it as a series of chunks, each with its own
size indicator. Unlike "normal" HTTP file transfer, Chunked Transfer
does not need to specify (or even know) the transfer length in advance.
There is no "Content-Length:" header transferred. For complete details
about Chunked Transfer Encoding, see section 3.6 "Transfer Codings" of
the latest HTTP/1.1 specifications, available from

CTETEST.DLL sends the file specified on the query string. If no query
string is present, or if the query string does not identify a readable
file, CTETEST.DLL will return a plain text page describing its usage.

To install:

Build the CTETEST.DSP project and copy the .DLL into virtual directory
with "execute" permissions.

To run:

Reference CTETEST.DLL file as a URL from the browser (currently only
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.xx supports chunked encoding),
specifying a URL on the query string.

For example, the following URL entered on the address line of Internet
Explorer will transfer file SAMPLE.GIF, located in WWW root directory,
encoded in 1024-byte chunks:



This sample is provided for the purpose of demonstrating an ISAPI
extension. It has not been tested for use in a production environment
and no support will be provided for use in a production environment.