// Copyright 1992 - 1998 Microsoft Corporation.
// File: inputtag.cxx
// Contents: Parsing algorithm for input tag in Html
// Classes: CInputTag

#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop

#include <inputtag.hxx>
#include <htmlguid.hxx>
#include <stgprop.h>

// Method: CInputTag::CInputTag
// Synopsis: Constructor
// Arguments: [htmlIFilter] -- Html IFilter
// [serialStream] -- Input stream

CInputTag::CInputTag( CHtmlIFilter& htmlIFilter,
CSerialStream& serialStream )
: CHtmlElement(htmlIFilter, serialStream),

// Method: CInputTag::GetChunk
// Synopsis: Gets the next chunk and returns chunk information in pStat
// Arguments: [pStat] -- chunk information returned here

SCODE CInputTag::GetChunk( STAT_CHUNK * pStat )
SCODE sc = SwitchToNextHtmlElement( pStat );

return sc;

// Method: CInputTag::GetText
// Synopsis: Retrieves text from current chunk
// Arguments: [pcwcOutput] -- count of UniCode characters in buffer
// [awcBuffer] -- buffer for text

SCODE CInputTag::GetText( ULONG *pcwcOutput, WCHAR *awcBuffer )
ULONG cCharsRemaining = _cValueChars - _cValueCharsFiltered;

if ( cCharsRemaining == 0 )
*pcwcOutput = 0;

if ( *pcwcOutput < cCharsRemaining )
RtlCopyMemory( awcBuffer,
_pwcValueBuf + _cValueCharsFiltered,
*pcwcOutput * sizeof(WCHAR) );
_cValueCharsFiltered += *pcwcOutput;

return S_OK;
RtlCopyMemory( awcBuffer,
_pwcValueBuf + _cValueCharsFiltered,
cCharsRemaining * sizeof(WCHAR) );
_cValueCharsFiltered += cCharsRemaining;
*pcwcOutput = cCharsRemaining;


// Method: CInputTag::InitStatChunk
// Synopsis: Initializes the STAT_CHUNK
// Arguments: [pStat] -- STAT_CHUNK to initialize

void CInputTag::InitStatChunk( STAT_CHUNK *pStat )
_cValueCharsFiltered = 0;

pStat->idChunk = _htmlIFilter.GetNextChunkId();
pStat->flags = CHUNK_TEXT;
pStat->locale = _htmlIFilter.GetLocale();
pStat->attribute.guidPropSet = CLSID_Storage;
pStat->attribute.psProperty.ulKind = PRSPEC_PROPID;
pStat->attribute.psProperty.propid = PID_STG_CONTENTS;
pStat->breakType = CHUNK_EOS;
pStat->idChunkSource = pStat->idChunk;
pStat->cwcStartSource = 0;
pStat->cwcLenSource = 0;


// Check input type
WCHAR *pwcType;
unsigned cwcType;
_scanner.ScanTagBuffer( L"type=\"", pwcType, cwcType );

if ( cwcType == 6 // 6 == wcslen( L"hidden" )
&& _wcsnicmp( pwcType, L"hidden", 6 ) == 0 )
// Input is hidden, so don't output value field
_pwcValueBuf = 0;
_cValueChars = 0;


// Read the value field
_scanner.ScanTagBuffer( L"value=\"", _pwcValueBuf, _cValueChars );