// Copyright (c) 1996-1997  Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved. 

#pragma hdrstop

#include <windows.h>
#include "native.h" // Raw Native Interface declarations.

// TODO: Replace this typedef with your own definition of ETYPE, and/or replace
// all occurrences of ETYPE, PETYPE and PPETYPE with your own type.
typedef struct {
int dummy;


// TODO: Define JTYPE with the appropriate type.
// If your Java type is replace JTYPE with
// -------------------- ------------------
// byte char (see below)
// char unsigned short (see below)
// short short (see below)
// int int
// long long
// boolean BOOL
// float float
// double double
// an object type OBJECT* or output of msjavah.exe
// an array HArrayOf<elemtype> (see native.h or
// output of msjavah)
// If your java type is byte, char, or short, the return types
// of toJava and toUninitJava must be declared as "int" and your
// C function must expand the result to a full 32-bit signed integer
// (RNI does not expand short integer return values on your behalf)
// If your java tyoe is boolean, your C function must return
// 0 or 1 only (RNI does not normalize boolean return values.)

typedef int JTYPE;

#ifdef __cplusplus
#define EXTERNC extern "C"
#define EXTERNC

// Macro for declaring RNI Java methods's (and encapsulating the java class package.)
// TODO: Replace "TemplateMarshaler" with the name of your hook class.
#define JAVAMETHOD(typ, name) \
__declspec(dllexport) \
typ __cdecl TemplateMarshaler_##name

// This export tells what RNI version we were built under. This is a
// NEW REQUIREMENT that was not needed for previous versions of the VM.
// DO NOT REMOVE THIS FUNCTION. Without it, the VM will be unable to
// access your hook classes.
DWORD __cdecl RNIGetCompatibleVersion()
return RNIVER;

// toJava
JAVAMETHOD(JTYPE, toJava) (OBJECT*x, PPETYPE ppetype, int flags)
PETYPE petype = *ppetype;
// TODO: Add code to convert *petype to a value of type JTYPE.
// If JTYPE is an object or array type, this method should return
// a newly created instance of JTYPE.
return 0;

// copyToExternal
JAVAMETHOD(void, copyToExternal) (OBJECT*x, JTYPE javaval, PPETYPE ppetype, int flags)
PETYPE petype = *ppetype;
// TODO: Add code to convert javaval into an ETYPE and store the resulting
// ETYPE in the (already allocated) memory pointed to by petype. Do
// not assume anything about the initial contents of *petype.

// releaseByValExternal
JAVAMETHOD(void, releaseByValExternal) (OBJECT*x, PPETYPE ppetype, int flags)
PETYPE petype = *ppetype;
// TODO: Add code to destroy any embedded resources owned by *petype.
// Do not free the memory for *petype itself (if you need to do this,
// do it in releaseExternal()).
// If no cleanup code is needed here, this method can be deleted.
// (do not forget to remove the reference to in the .def file.)

// copyToJava
JAVAMETHOD(void, copyToJava) (OBJECT*x, PPETYPE ppetype, JTYPE javaval, int flags)
PETYPE petype = *ppetype;
// TODO: Add code to modify "javaval" so it is 'equivalent' to *petype.
// Do not modify *petype or *ppetype.
// If JTYPE is not mutable, or you do not need to support "[out]"
// parameters, this method can be deleted.
// (do not forget to remove the reference to in the .def file.)

// toUninitJava
JAVAMETHOD(JTYPE, toUninitJava) (OBJECT*x, PPETYPE ppetype, int flags)
PETYPE petype = *ppetype;
// TODO: Add code to convert *petype to an uninitialized value of
// type JTYPE.
// If JTYPE is an object or array type, this method should return
// a newly created instance of JTYPE.
// If JTYPE is not mutable, or you do not need to support "[out]"
// parameters, this method can be deleted.
// (do not forget to remove the reference to in the .def file.)
return 0;

// toExternal
JAVAMETHOD(void, toExternal) (OBJECT*x, JTYPE javaval, int flags, PPETYPE ppetype)
PETYPE petype = NULL;
// TODO: Add code to allocate a new ETYPE, and initialize it to be
// "equivalent" to javaval. Store a pointer to the new ETYPE in petype.
// If you do not require ETYPE's that outlive method calls, this method
// can be deleted.
// (do not forget to remove the reference to in the .def file.)
*ppetype = petype;

// releaseExternal
JAVAMETHOD(void, releaseExternal) (OBJECT*x, PPETYPE ppetype, int flags)
PETYPE petype = *ppetype;

// TODO: Add code to free the memory pointed to by petype. In addition,
// if you have implemented releaseByValExternal, call it first.
// If you do not require ETYPE's that outlive method calls, this method
// can be deleted.
// (do not forget to remove the reference to in the .def file.)

// toUninitExternal
JAVAMETHOD(void, toUninitExternal) (OBJECT*x, JTYPE javaval, int flags, PPETYPE ppetype)
PETYPE petype = NULL;
// TODO: Add code to allocate a new ETYPE. It is not necessary to initialize
// its contents. The value of javaval should be used only to determine
// the size of the allocation.
// If you do not require ETYPE's that outlive method calls, or you do not
// need to support [out] parameters, this method can be deleted.
// (do not forget to remove the reference to in the .def file.)
*ppetype = petype;

// TODO: Remove this copy of DllMain if you are embedding this file in your
// own DLL.
// DLL Loader entry point.
PVOID pvReserved)
return TRUE;