Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1992-1996
Remote Machine strout sample

FILE : wintyp.idl

PURPOSE : This file defines the interface for the strout example

uuid(da2a84e0-cabd-11cf-a8a4-00a0c9038450), // UUID
pointer_default(unique), // Pointer default
version(1.0) // Program version
interface wintyp_sample
import "wtypes.idl"; // Need this to support the window dataypes

/* Declaration of the remote procedure. */
/* This procedure will send the bitmap to the server, the server */
/* will then either flip the image, or find the edges in it, before */
/* sending it back to the client. */
BOOL ChangeBitmapRemote(
[in] unsigned short action, // The action to take on the image
[in, out] HBITMAP *bitmap); // The bitmap to send over the line

void ShutDown(void); // Procedure to shut down the server