
/* RUI Sample Program */
/* */
/* (C) Copyright 1990 - 1993 Data Connection Ltd. */
/* */
/* This program is a crude 3270 emulator. It uses the RUI API to access */
/* both the SSCP and LU sessions. Outbound data from the host is */
/* displayed on the screen unformatted. Both SSCP and LU data are shown. */
/* If the outbound data is an RQD request an automatic positive response */
/* is sent. Inbound data can be entered at the keyboard and is sent on */
/* the current session. This current session can be toggled between the */
/* SSCP and LU sessions by hitting the [ (left square bracket) key */
/* followed by <cr> (carriage return), although it switches */
/* automatically on receipt of BIND or UNBIND. */
/* */
/* The program is invoked with a single parameter - the name of the LUA LU */
/* to use. This is converted to upper case and must match an LUA LU in */
/* the configuration file. This LU should be configured for a 327? on the */
/* host. */
/* */
/* It works reasonably well with TSO provided that complex formatted */
/* logon screens are not used. */
/* */
/* To exit the program type ] (right square bracket) */
/* */
/* The CSV CONVERT function is used to convert data between ASCII and */
/* EBCDIC. This uses the type G conversion table, so the environment */
/* variable COMTBLG must be set to point to a suitable file. */
/* */
/* Keys that work are: */
/* */
/* Alt-1 to Alt-0 are PF1 to PF0 */
/* F2 sends a CLEAR to the host */
/* backspace */
/* Letters, numbers and symbols */
/* */

#ifdef WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#ifdef DOS5
#define INCL_DOS
#include <os2.h>
#define FAR far
typedef unsigned int BOOL;
typedef int INT;
typedef unsigned int UINT;
typedef unsigned long ULONG;
typedef long LONG;
typedef unsigned char UCHAR;
typedef unsigned short USHORT;
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define kbhit _kbhit
#define getch _getche

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <lua_c.h>
#include <acssvcc.h>

/* Program constants */
#define DATASIZE 4096 /* Max size of RU */
#define SWITKEY 0x5B /* '[' to switch sessions */
#define EXITKEY 0x5D /* ']' to exit program */

#define BETB 1 /* Between brackets */
#define SEND 2 /* In bracket and can send */
#define RECV 3 /* In bracket, but cannot send */

/* State variables */
/* */
/* We can only have one read or write verb outstanding per flow. These */
/* state variables keep track of these verbs and what we need to do with */
/* them. */

UINT write_state;
#define NO_WRITE 1
#define WRITE_OUTSTANDING 2 /* waiting for write to complete */
#define WRITE_QUEUED 3 /* have data to write */

UINT read_state;
#define NO_READ 1
#define READ_OUTSTANDING 2 /* read verb outstanding */
#define RSP_QUEUED 3 /* have a response to write */
#define RSP_OUTSTANDING 4 /* waiting for a response to complete */

UINT rpq_state;
#define NO_RPQ 1
#define RPQ_OUTSTANDING 2 /* waiting for an RPQ to complete */
#define RPQ_QUEUED 3 /* have RPQ to send */

/* Global variables */
/* */
/* Inbound data is sent as typed on the SSCP session. On the LU session */
/* it is prefixed with the <enter> key AID plus a two byte cursor address. */
LUA_VERB_RECORD read_verb; /* RUI read verb */
LUA_VERB_RECORD other_verb; /* RUI init, write or term verb */
LUA_VERB_RECORD rpq_verb; /* RUI_WRITE for RPQs */

UCHAR rpq_data[] = {

0x00, 0x0C, 0x81, 0x80, 0x80, 0x81, 0x85, 0x86, 0x87, 0x88, 0x95, 0xA6,

0x00, 0x17, 0x81, 0x81, 0x21, 0x00, 0x00, 0x50, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00,
0x0A, 0x02, 0xE5, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x6F, 0x09, 0x10, 0x07, 0x80,

0x00, 0x14, 0x81, 0x85, 0x02, 0x00, 0x09, 0x0E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0xB9, 0x01, 0x1D,

0x00, 0x16, 0x81, 0x86, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00, 0xF4, 0xF1, 0x00, 0xF2, 0x00,
0xF3, 0x00, 0xF4, 0x00, 0xF5, 0x00, 0xF6, 0x00, 0xF7, 0x00,

0x00, 0x0D, 0x81, 0x87, 0x04, 0x00, 0xF0, 0xF1, 0x00, 0xF2, 0x00, 0xF4,

0x00, 0x07, 0x81, 0x88, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02,

0x00, 0x0C, 0x81, 0x95, 0x00, 0x00, 0x7F, 0xFF, 0x7F, 0xFF, 0x01, 0x01,

0x00, 0x11, 0x81, 0xA6, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0B, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x50, 0x00,
0x18, 0x00, 0x50, 0x00, 0x18};

#define RPQ_LENGTH (sizeof(rpq_data))

unsigned char read_data[DATASIZE]; /* Outbound RU */
#define WRITE_EXTRA 6
unsigned char write_array[DATASIZE + WRITE_EXTRA] =
{0x7d, 0x40, 0x40, 0x11, 0x40, 0x40};
/* Inbound RU */
unsigned char *write_data = write_array + WRITE_EXTRA;
/* Pointer to inbound RU */
UINT data_offset = 0; /* offset into read_data */
UINT write_len = 0; /* length of write data */

struct convert convert_to_asc; /* Outbound convert verb */
struct convert convert_to_ebc; /* Inbound convert verb */

#ifdef WIN32
HANDLE write_event = 0l; /* write arm verb semaphore */
HANDLE read_event = 0l; /* read arm verb semaphore */
HANDLE init_event = 0l; /* RUI_INIT semaphore */
HANDLE term_event = 0l; /* RUI_TERM semaphore */
HANDLE rpq_event = 0l;
HANDLE status_event = 0l; /* RUI status event */
HANDLE std_input; /* standard input handle */
HANDLE std_output; /* standard output handle */
ULONG write_sema4 = 0l; /* write arm verb semaphore */
ULONG read_sema4 = 0l; /* read arm verb semaphore */
ULONG init_sema4 = 0l; /* RUI_INIT semaphore */
ULONG term_sema4 = 0l; /* RUI_TERM semaphore */
ULONG rpq_sema4 = 0l;

BOOL terminating = FALSE; /* are we already in closedown() ? */
BOOL lu_session = FALSE; /* LU session inbound flag */

unsigned long sense = 0l; /* sense code */

unsigned char lu_name[9] = " "; /* LU name */
unsigned long sid; /* RUI session ID */
int send_state = BETB; /* LU session send state */

#ifdef WIN32
#define INITPOST (ULONG) init_event
#define TERMPOST (ULONG) term_event
#define READPOST (ULONG) read_event
#define WRITEPOST (ULONG) write_event
#define RPQPOST (ULONG) rpq_event
#define INITPOST (unsigned long) ((UCHAR FAR *) &init_sema4)
#define TERMPOST (unsigned long) ((UCHAR FAR *) &term_sema4)
#define READPOST (unsigned long) ((UCHAR FAR *) &read_sema4)
#define WRITEPOST (unsigned long) ((UCHAR FAR *) &write_sema4)
#define RPQPOST (unsigned long) ((UCHAR FAR *) &rpq_sema4)

/* Function declarations. */

#ifdef WIN32
#define LOADDS
#define LOADDS _loadds

void pascal far LOADDS RUI (LUA_VERB_RECORD FAR *);

void csv_init (void);
int issue_verb (unsigned int type);
void issue_read (void);
void other_done (LUA_VERB_RECORD *verb);
void read_done (LUA_VERB_RECORD *verb);
void issue_rsp (unsigned long sense);
void rsp_done (LUA_VERB_RECORD *verb);
void closedown (void);
BOOL do_write (void);
void wait_verb_complete (LUA_VERB_RECORD *verb);
void wait_active_status (LUA_VERB_RECORD *verb);
void set_semaphore (LUA_VERB_RECORD *verb);
BOOL do_keyboard_stuff (void);
BOOL check_verb_complete (LUA_VERB_RECORD *verb);
void parse_data (UCHAR FAR *, USHORT);
BOOL issue_rpq (void);
#ifdef WIN32
extern int WINAPI GetFmiReturnCode(unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned short, unsigned char FAR *);

/* Name: main */
/* */
/* Purpose: set up CSV convert verbs */
/* */
/* Returns: none */
/* */
/* Params: argv, argc */
/* */
/* Operation: Get LU name from command line */
/* do some initialisation */
/* Issue RUI_INIT to get LU-SSCP session */
/* Loop reading data from keyboard and host, and send keyboard */
/* data to host */
#ifdef DOS5
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#ifdef PDOS
int _cdecl main(int argc, char *argv[])
int _CRTAPI1 main(int argc, char *argv[])
BOOL whole_data; /* we have a whole data string to write */
BOOL verb_complete; /* Has a verb completed */
BOOL write_ok; /* Has write worked? */
BOOL rpq_ok; /* Has rpq worked */
int ii;
#ifdef WIN32
HANDLE handle_list [6];
#ifdef DOS5
USHORT sem_index;

printf("RUI simple 3270 application\n");

/* Validate parameter usage and get LU name. */
if (argc != 2)
printf("Usage: RUI3270 luname\n");
if (strlen(argv[1]) > 8)
printf("LU name too long\n");

/* Convert to upper case */
while (argv[1][ii])
if (argv[1][ii] >= 'a' && argv[1][ii] <= 'z')
argv[1][ii] = argv[1][ii] - 'a' + 'A';
memcpy(lu_name, argv[1], strlen(argv[1]));
printf("lu_name %s\n", lu_name);

/* Set up CSV convert verbs */

#ifdef WIN32
/* Create the necessary events */
write_event = CreateEvent (NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
read_event = CreateEvent (NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
init_event = CreateEvent (NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
term_event = CreateEvent (NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
rpq_event = CreateEvent (NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
status_event = CreateEvent (NULL,FALSE, FALSE, NULL);

/* Get standard input and output handles. */
std_input = GetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE );
std_output = GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
if ((std_input == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ||
(std_output == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE))
printf("GetStdHandle Failed, %d", GetLastError());
exit (1);

/* Set up list of handles to wait for */
handle_list[0] = write_event;
handle_list[1] = read_event;
handle_list[2] = init_event;
handle_list[3] = term_event;
handle_list[4] = rpq_event;
handle_list[5] = std_input;
#ifdef DOS5
/* Set semaphores to begin with */
DosSemSet (&init_sema4);
DosSemSet (&term_sema4);
DosSemSet (&read_sema4);
DosSemSet (&write_sema4);
DosSemSet (&rpq_sema4);

sem_list.amxs[0].hsem = &init_sema4;
sem_list.amxs[1].hsem = &term_sema4;
sem_list.amxs[2].hsem = &read_sema4;
sem_list.amxs[3].hsem = &write_sema4;
sem_list.amxs[4].hsem = &rpq_sema4;

/* Initialize RUI and wait for ACTLU fom host. */
if (issue_verb((unsigned int) LUA_OPCODE_RUI_INIT))
printf("Init failed\n");

/* Set initial states */
write_state = NO_WRITE;
read_state = NO_READ;
rpq_state = NO_RPQ;

/* Loop reading inbound data from the keyboard */
while (!terminating)
#ifndef PDOS
/* Determine if we can pause */
if ( (read_state != NO_READ) &&

((write_state != WRITE_QUEUED) ||
(rpq_state != NO_RPQ) ||
(read_state == RSP_OUTSTANDING) ||
(read_state == RSP_QUEUED)) &&

((rpq_state != RPQ_QUEUED) ||
(write_state == WRITE_OUTSTANDING) ||
(read_state == RSP_OUTSTANDING) ||
(read_state == RSP_QUEUED)) &&

((read_state != RSP_QUEUED) ||
(write_state == WRITE_OUTSTANDING)))
#ifdef WIN32
WaitForMultipleObjects (6, handle_list, FALSE, INFINITE);
if (!kbhit())
DosMuxSemWait (&sem_index, &sem_list, 200l);

/* First check on the state of write verbs */
if ((write_state == NO_WRITE) &&
(rpq_state == NO_RPQ) &&
(read_state != RSP_QUEUED) &&
(read_state != RSP_OUTSTANDING))
/* Don't write here if we need to respond, since we can only have one */
/* write outstanding on each flow. */
/* Here we want to check if we have a whole string of data (i.e. that */
/* the user has hit enter). If so write the data to the HOST */
whole_data = do_keyboard_stuff ();
if (whole_data)
/* Attempt to write the data. May not work because of bracket state */

write_ok = do_write ();
if (write_ok)
/* If verb completes async change state to indicate this o.w. */
/* call the verb done processor */
if (other_verb.common.lua_flag2.async)
write_state = WRITE_OUTSTANDING;
other_done (&other_verb);
write_state = NO_WRITE;
/* Failed to do a write. Queue up data */
write_state = WRITE_QUEUED;
else if ((write_state == WRITE_QUEUED) &&
(rpq_state == NO_RPQ) &&
(read_state != RSP_OUTSTANDING) &&
(read_state != RSP_QUEUED))
/* Attempt to write the data. May not work because of bracket state */
write_ok = do_write ();
if (write_ok)
/* If verb completes async change state to indicate this o.w. call */
/* the verb done processor */
if (other_verb.common.lua_flag2.async)
write_state = WRITE_OUTSTANDING;
other_done (&other_verb);
write_state = NO_WRITE;

else if (write_state == WRITE_OUTSTANDING)
/* We have a RUI_WRITE outstanding so check if it is complete */
verb_complete = check_verb_complete (&other_verb);
if (verb_complete)
other_done (&other_verb);
write_state = NO_WRITE;

/* Now check the RPQ state */
if ((rpq_state == RPQ_QUEUED) &&
(write_state != WRITE_OUTSTANDING) &&
(read_state != RSP_OUTSTANDING) &&
(read_state != RSP_QUEUED))
/* We have an RPQ queued up. Try to send it */
rpq_ok = issue_rpq ();
if (rpq_ok)
/* If verb completes async change state to indicate this o.w. call */
/* the verb done processor */
if (rpq_verb.common.lua_flag2.async)
other_done (&rpq_verb);
write_state = NO_RPQ;
else if (rpq_state == RPQ_OUTSTANDING)
/* Check for verb completion */
verb_complete = check_verb_complete (&rpq_verb);
if (verb_complete)
other_done (&rpq_verb);
rpq_state = NO_RPQ;


/* Now check on read verbs */
if (read_state == NO_READ)
issue_read ();
if (read_verb.common.lua_flag2.async)
read_state = READ_OUTSTANDING;
/* read_done will change read_state to RESPONSE_QUEUED or NO_READ */
read_done (&read_verb);
else if (read_state == READ_OUTSTANDING)
verb_complete = check_verb_complete (&read_verb);
if (verb_complete)
/* read_done will change read_state to RESPONSE_QUEUED or NO_READ */
read_done (&read_verb);
else if (read_state == RSP_QUEUED)
/* We need to respond to a message read. Do a write if one is */
/* availible. */
if (write_state != WRITE_OUTSTANDING)
/* The response is issued using the read_verb */
issue_rsp (sense);
if (read_verb.common.lua_flag2.async)
read_state = RSP_OUTSTANDING;
rsp_done (&read_verb);
read_state = NO_READ;
else if (read_state == RSP_OUTSTANDING)
/* Check to see if the response is complete */
verb_complete = check_verb_complete (&read_verb);
if (verb_complete)
rsp_done (&read_verb);
read_state = NO_READ;
/* Invalid state */
printf("invalid state");

} /* while not terminating */

} /* main () */

/* Name: csv_init */
/* */
/* Purpose: set up CSV convert verbs */
/* */
/* Returns: void */
/* */
/* Params: none */
/* */
/* Operation: sets uup two CSV convert verbs, one in each direction. Only */
/* the length needs to be set when the verb is called */
void csv_init (void)
convert_to_asc.opcode = SV_CONVERT;
convert_to_asc.direction = SV_EBCDIC_TO_ASCII;
convert_to_asc.char_set = SV_G;
convert_to_asc.source = read_data; = read_data;

convert_to_ebc.opcode = SV_CONVERT;
convert_to_ebc.direction = SV_ASCII_TO_EBCDIC;
convert_to_ebc.char_set = SV_G;
convert_to_ebc.source = write_data; = write_data;
} /* csv_init */

/* Name: issue_verb */
/* */
/* Purpose: build a verb and send it */
/* */
/* Returns: int - non-zero => verb failed */
/* */
/* Params: IN type - type of verb to issue */
/* */
/* Operation: Build an INIT or TERM verb and issue it. Wait for the verb */
/* to complete */
int issue_verb(type)
unsigned int type;

memset(&other_verb, 0, sizeof(other_verb));
other_verb.common.lua_verb = LUA_VERB_RUI;
other_verb.common.lua_verb_length = sizeof(other_verb);

other_verb.common.lua_opcode           = type; 
if (type == LUA_OPCODE_RUI_INIT)
memcpy(other_verb.common.lua_luname, lu_name, 8);
other_verb.common.lua_post_handle = INITPOST;
other_verb.common.lua_sid = sid;
other_verb.common.lua_post_handle = TERMPOST;
RUI((LUA_VERB_RECORD FAR *) &other_verb);

#ifdef WIN32
if (type == LUA_OPCODE_RUI_INIT)
WinRUIGetLastInitStatus(0, status_event, WLUA_NTFY_EVENT, 0);

if (other_verb.common.lua_flag2.async)
#ifdef WIN32
if (type == LUA_OPCODE_RUI_INIT)
wait_active_status (&other_verb);
wait_verb_complete (&other_verb);
wait_verb_complete (&other_verb);

return(other_verb.common.lua_prim_rc != LUA_OK);
} /* issue_verb */

/* Name: issue_read */
/* */
/* Purpose: build a read verb and send it */
/* */
/* Returns: void */
/* */
/* Params: none */
/* */
/* Operation: Build a read verb for all flows and issue it */
void issue_read (void)
memset(&read_verb, 0, sizeof(read_verb));
memset(read_data, 0, DATASIZE);
read_verb.common.lua_verb = LUA_VERB_RUI;
read_verb.common.lua_verb_length = sizeof(read_verb);
read_verb.common.lua_opcode = LUA_OPCODE_RUI_READ;
read_verb.common.lua_sid = sid;
read_verb.common.lua_max_length = DATASIZE;
read_verb.common.lua_data_ptr = (char *) read_data;
read_verb.common.lua_post_handle = READPOST;
read_verb.common.lua_flag1.lu_norm = 1;
read_verb.common.lua_flag1.lu_exp = 1;
read_verb.common.lua_flag1.sscp_norm = 1;
read_verb.common.lua_flag1.sscp_exp = 1;
RUI((LUA_VERB_RECORD FAR *)&read_verb);

} /* issue_read */

/* Name: other_done */
/* */
/* Purpose: handle completed init, write or term verb */
/* */
/* Returns: void */
/* */
/* Params: IN verb - completed verb */
/* */
/* Operation: write status to he screen */
void other_done(verb)
switch (verb->common.lua_opcode)
if (verb->common.lua_prim_rc == LUA_OK)
printf("LU active\n");
sid = verb->common.lua_sid;
printf("INIT failed, (%4.4x, %8.8lx)\n",
verb->common.lua_prim_rc, verb->common.lua_sec_rc);

if (verb->common.lua_prim_rc != LUA_OK)
printf("WRITE failed, (%4.4x, %8.8lx)\n",
verb->common.lua_prim_rc, verb->common.lua_sec_rc);


} /* other_done */

/* Name: read_done */
/* */
/* Purpose: handle completed read verb */
/* */
/* Returns: void */
/* */
/* Params: IN verb - completed read verb */
/* */
/* Operation: If the completed verb contains data, first parse it and then */
/* display it. */
/* If message is a BIND or an UNBIND, set the LU-LU session state */
/* accordingly */
/* Also check for EB, CD and change session state flags */
void read_done(verb)
int count; /* number of bytes of data left to display */
unsigned char *data; /* pointer to next data to display */
BOOL rsp_required = FALSE; /* is a resonse required */

sense = 0l;

if (verb->common.lua_prim_rc == LUA_OK)
if ((verb->common.lua_message_type == LUA_MESSAGE_TYPE_LU_DATA) ||
(verb->common.lua_message_type == LUA_MESSAGE_TYPE_SSCP_DATA))
if (verb->common.lua_data_length > 0)
/* We now have to parse the data. For the moment we only look for */
/* RPQ requests. */
parse_data (read_data, (USHORT) (verb->common.lua_data_length));

/* Display outbound SSCP or LU data. */
convert_to_asc.len = (unsigned short) verb->common.lua_data_length;
ACSSVC_C((LONG)((UCHAR FAR *)&convert_to_asc));
data = read_data;
count = strlen(data);
while (count > 0)
if (count <= 80)
count = 0;
count -= 80;
data += 80;

/* Set session state. */
if (verb->common.lua_rh.ebi)
send_state = BETB;
else if (verb->common.lua_rh.cdi)
send_state = SEND;
send_state = RECV;
/* Handle BIND or UNBIND as a special case. */
else if (verb->common.lua_message_type == LUA_MESSAGE_TYPE_BIND)
if (((read_data[6] & 0x20) == 0x20) && /* Brackets used and BETB */
((read_data[7] & 0xF0) == 0x80) && /* HDX-FF, sec con winner */
( read_data[14] == 0x02)) /* LU type 2 */
send_state = BETB;
lu_session = TRUE;
printf("BIND rejected\n");
else if (verb->common.lua_message_type == LUA_MESSAGE_TYPE_UNBIND)
send_state = BETB;
lu_session = FALSE;

/* Respond to any RQD request. */
if ((verb->common.lua_message_type != LUA_MESSAGE_TYPE_RSP) &&
(verb->common.lua_rh.ri == 0)) /* definite response */
rsp_required = TRUE;
else /* primary rc not OK - read failed - stop now */
printf("READ ERROR, primary rc = %4.4x, secondary rc = %8.8lx\n",
verb->common.lua_prim_rc, verb->common.lua_sec_rc);

/* Continue processing with either another read or a write positive rsp. */
/* (The callback from issuing response will then issue another read) If */
/* we've already gone into closedown, stop here */
if (!terminating)
if (rsp_required)
read_state = RSP_QUEUED;
read_state = NO_READ;
} /* read_done */

/* Name: issue_rsp */
/* */
/* Purpose: issue a response for a request from the host */
/* */
/* Returns: void */
/* */
/* Params: IN sense - sense code for the response */
/* */
/* Operation: Build a response and write it out. Uses the read verb control */
/* block because it has the necessary information. */
/* */
void issue_rsp(sense)
unsigned long sense;
read_verb.common.lua_opcode = LUA_OPCODE_RUI_WRITE;
read_verb.common.lua_max_length = 0;
read_verb.common.lua_post_handle = (ULONG) READPOST;
read_verb.common.lua_rh.rri = 1; /* response */
read_verb.common.lua_flag1.lu_norm = 0;
read_verb.common.lua_flag1.lu_exp = 0;
read_verb.common.lua_flag1.sscp_norm = 0;
read_verb.common.lua_flag1.sscp_exp = 0;

/* If we have been given a sense code this must be a negative response */
if (sense)
read_verb.common.lua_data_length = 4;
memcpy(read_data, &sense, 4);
read_verb.common.lua_rh.ri = 1; /* negative rsp */
read_verb.common.lua_data_length = 0;
read_verb.common.lua_rh.ri = 0; /* positive rsp */
/* Send the response back on the flow from which the request came */
if (read_verb.common.lua_flag2.lu_norm)
read_verb.common.lua_flag1.lu_norm = 1;
else if (read_verb.common.lua_flag2.lu_exp)
read_verb.common.lua_flag1.lu_exp = 1;
else if (read_verb.common.lua_flag2.sscp_norm)
read_verb.common.lua_flag1.sscp_norm = 1;
else if (read_verb.common.lua_flag2.sscp_exp)
read_verb.common.lua_flag1.sscp_exp = 1;
/* Send out the verb */
RUI((LUA_VERB_RECORD FAR *)&read_verb); /* write the response */
} /* issue_rsp */

/* Name: rsp_done */
/* */
/* Purpose: handle completion of RUI_WRITE, when RUI_WRITE has written a */
/* response */
/* */
/* Returns: void */
/* */
/* Params: IN verb - completed verb */
/* */
/* Operation: If verb did not complete OK print a message and terminate */
/* */
void rsp_done (verb)
if (verb->common.lua_prim_rc != LUA_OK) /* failed to write the response */
{ /* so stop here */
printf("WRITE for response failed, (%4.4x, %8.8lx)\n",
verb->common.lua_prim_rc, verb->common.lua_sec_rc);
} /* rsp_done */

/* Name: closedown */
/* */
/* Purpose: terminate the application cleanly */
/* */
/* Returns: void */
/* */
/* Params: none */
/* */
/* Operation: Issue an RUI_TERM and wait for it to complete. Then exit */
/* */
void closedown (void)
if (!terminating) /* check we haven't already got here from */
{ /* another section of the code */
terminating = TRUE; /* then make sure we can't get here again */
if (issue_verb((unsigned int) LUA_OPCODE_RUI_TERM))
} /* closedown */

/* Name: check_verb_complete */
/* */
/* Purpose: check for asynchronous verb completion */
/* */
/* Returns: BOOL - TRUE => verb has completed */
/* */
/* Params: IN - verb - pointer to verb control block */
/* */
/* Operation: OS specific */
/* */
BOOL check_verb_complete (verb)

#ifdef DOS5
/* OS/2 case. The verb is complete when the semaphore is cleared */
USHORT RetCode; /* Holds return code from OS calls */
BOOL verb_complete; /* Has the verb completed */

verb_complete = FALSE;

RetCode = DosSemRequest ((HSEM) verb->common.lua_post_handle, 0l);

if (RetCode != NO_ERROR)
/* If we get here we've got problems */
printf("Bad DosSemRequest return code, %d", RetCode);
verb_complete = TRUE;
set_semaphore (verb);


#ifdef PDOS
/* DOS case. The verb is complete when the lua_post_handle is cleared */
BOOL verb_complete; /* Has the verb completed */

verb_complete = FALSE;

if (!verb->common.lua_post_handle)
verb_complete = TRUE;
set_semaphore (verb);


#ifdef WIN32
/* Win32 case. The verb is complete when the semaphore is cleared */
DWORD RetCode;

RetCode = WaitForSingleObject((HANDLE) verb->common.lua_post_handle, 0l);

if (RetCode == 0)
set_semaphore (verb);
return((RetCode == 0));
} /* check_verb_complete */

#ifdef WIN32
/* Name: wait_active_status */
/* */
/* Purpose: waits for status to become active */
/* */
/* Returns: void */
/* */
/* Operation: */
/* */
void wait_active_status(verb)

DWORD RetCode;
DWORD Status = 0;
char status_buff[80];

while (Status != WLUALUACTIVE)
RetCode = WaitForSingleObject(status_event,(DWORD)-1);
Status = WinRUIGetLastInitStatus(verb->common.lua_sid, NULL, WLUA_NTFY_EVENT, 0);
GetFmiReturnCode((unsigned short)Status,(unsigned short) 0xffff,(unsigned short) 80, status_buff);
printf("LU ACT received\n");


/* Name: wait_verb_complete */
/* */
/* Purpose: waits for async verb completion */
/* */
/* Returns: void */
/* */
/* Params: IN - verb - pointer to verb control block */
/* */
/* Operation: Wait for the lua_post_handle to become clear */
/* */
void wait_verb_complete (verb)

#ifdef DOS5
USHORT RetCode; /* Holds return code from OS calls */

RetCode = DosSemRequest ((HSEM)verb->common.lua_post_handle, -1l);

#ifdef PDOS
while (verb->common.lua_post_handle);

#ifdef WIN32
DWORD RetCode;

RetCode = WaitForSingleObject((HANDLE)verb->common.lua_post_handle,
set_semaphore (verb);

} /* wait_verb_complete */

/* Name: set_semaphore */
/* */
/* Purpose: sets verb completion flags */
/* */
/* Returns: void */
/* */
/* Params: IN - verb - pointer to vcb */
/* */
/* Operation: set the lua_post_handle to the non-signaled state */
/* */
void set_semaphore (verb)

#ifdef DOS5
RetCode = DosSemSet ((HSEM)verb->common.lua_post_handle);

#ifdef PDOS
/* Dos Case. Set lua_post_handle to 1 */
verb->common.lua_post_handle = 1l;

#ifdef WIN32
/*W32* Win 32 case. Clear the event */
ResetEvent ((HANDLE) verb->common.lua_post_handle);
} /* set_semaphore */

/* Name: do_keyboard_stuff */
/* */
/* Purpose: poll keyboard for data */
/* */
/* Returns: BOOL - TRUE => we have data to send */
/* */
/* Params: none */
/* */
/* Operation: poll keyboard */
/* if some data */
/* read it in */
/* add it to data buffer */
/* if data is <enter> */
/* return TRUE */
/* endif */
/* endif */
/* return false */
/* */
/* Also keep track of which session is being used, and if user wishes to */
/* exit. */
/* */
BOOL do_keyboard_stuff (void)

BOOL data_to_send; /* do we have data to send? */
INT input_char; /* an input character */
#ifdef WIN32
INPUT_RECORD input_record; /* input record */
DWORD no_read; /* number of input records read */

data_to_send = FALSE;

/* Check if keyboard has been hit */
#ifdef WIN32
while ((!data_to_send) &&
(!terminating) &&
(PeekConsoleInput (std_input, &input_record, 1, &no_read)) &&
(no_read > 0))
while ((!data_to_send) && (!terminating) && (kbhit()))
#ifndef WIN32
input_char = getch();
if ((input_char == 0) || (input_char == 0xE0))
ReadConsoleInput (std_input, &input_record, 1, &no_read);

if ((input_record.EventType == KEY_EVENT) &&
(input_record.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown) &&
((input_record.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState == LEFT_ALT_PRESSED) ||
((input_record.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode >= VK_F1 ) &&
(input_record.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode <= VK_F24))))
/* Not an ascii char */
#ifndef WIN32
input_char = getch ();

/* Check for function keys and ALT-?? */
#ifndef WIN32
if (input_char == 60) /* F2 */
if (input_record.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode == VK_F2)
/* Send a Clear. */
printf("sending clear\n");
*write_data = 0x6d;
write_len = 1;
data_to_send = TRUE;
#ifndef WIN32
else if ((input_char >= 120) && (input_char <= 129))
else if ((input_record.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode >= '0') &&
(input_record.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode <= '9'))
/* ALT-1 to ALT-0 */
/* 0xF1 is the AID code for PF1 */
/* Follow this with the cursor address */
#ifndef WIN32
*write_data = 0xF1 + input_char - 120;
*write_data = 0xF0 + input_record.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode - '0';
*(write_data + 1) = 0x40;
*(write_data + 2) = 0x40;
write_len = 3;
data_to_send = TRUE;

#ifdef WIN32
if ((input_record.EventType == KEY_EVENT ) &&
/* An ASCII char */

#ifdef WIN32 
input_char = input_record.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.AsciiChar;
if (input_char == EXITKEY)
else if (input_char == SWITKEY)
/* Hit key to switch between sessions */
if (lu_session)
printf("SSCP session\n");
lu_session = FALSE;
printf("LU session\n");
lu_session = TRUE;
/* Key should be real data. Add it to the string */
/* For Windows NT echo the character to the screen */

if (input_char == 13)
#ifdef WIN32
WriteConsole (std_output, &input_char, 1, &no_read, NULL);
/* If user pressed return key then send the data. Reset */
/* data_offset for next data. */
write_data[data_offset++] = '\0';
data_to_send = TRUE;
data_offset = 0;

/* Convert data to EBCDIC */
convert_to_ebc.len = (unsigned short) (strlen(write_data) );
if (convert_to_ebc.len > 0)
ACSSVC_C((LONG)((UCHAR FAR *)&convert_to_ebc));
write_len = convert_to_ebc.len;

/* Allow for ENTER AID if necessary */
if (lu_session)
write_data -= WRITE_EXTRA;
write_len += WRITE_EXTRA;
else if (input_char == 8)
#ifdef WIN32
WriteConsole (std_output, &input_char, 1, &no_read, NULL);
/* Backspace. Delete last char */
if (data_offset > 0)
else if (input_char != 0)
#ifdef WIN32
WriteConsole (std_output, &input_char, 1, &no_read, NULL);
write_data[data_offset++] = (UCHAR) input_char;
} /* if (kbhit()) */

} /* do_keyboard_stuff */

/* Name: do_write */
/* */
/* Purpose: issue a write verb */
/* */
/* Returns: BOOL - TRUE => data sent OK */
/* */
/* Params: none */
/* */
/* Operation: convert data to EBCDIC and send it on the right session */
/* */
BOOL do_write (void)

BOOL ok;

ok = TRUE;

/* Set up the vcb */
memset(&other_verb, 0, sizeof(other_verb));
other_verb.common.lua_verb = LUA_VERB_RUI;
other_verb.common.lua_verb_length = sizeof(read_verb);
other_verb.common.lua_opcode = LUA_OPCODE_RUI_WRITE;
other_verb.common.lua_sid = sid;
other_verb.common.lua_data_length = write_len;
other_verb.common.lua_data_ptr = (char far *) write_data;
other_verb.common.lua_post_handle = WRITEPOST;
other_verb.common.lua_rh.bci = 1;
other_verb.common.lua_rh.eci = 1;
other_verb.common.lua_rh.dr1i = 1;

if (lu_session)
/* On the LU session we must add the <enter> key prefix. All inbound */
/* requests flow RQE with the BBI and CDI flags set depending on the */
/* current session state. */
other_verb.common.lua_flag1.lu_norm = 1;
other_verb.common.lua_rh.ri = 1;
if (send_state == BETB)
/* Between bracket, so open bracket and give direction. Note that we */
/* can do this since we will always be contention winner. */
other_verb.common.lua_rh.bbi = 1;
other_verb.common.lua_rh.cdi = 1;
send_state = RECV;
else if (send_state = SEND)
/* In bracket and we have direction, so simply give direction. */
other_verb.common.lua_rh.cdi = 1;
send_state = RECV;
/* In bracket and we do not have direction, so do not send. */
ok = FALSE;
/* On the SSCP session things are straightforward. */
other_verb.common.lua_flag1.sscp_norm = 1;

if (ok)
/* Issue write verb */
RUI((LUA_VERB_RECORD FAR *) &other_verb);

/* Reset write_data to point to correct point in write_array */
write_data = write_array + WRITE_EXTRA;

} /* do_write () */

/* Name: parse_data */
/* */
/* Purpose: parse data from the host */
/* */
/* Returns: void */
/* */
/* Params: IN data - pointer to data */
/* */
/* Operation: Looks through data for read partition query from host. Could */
/* be expanded to format data from host */
/* */
void parse_data (data, length)

UCHAR FAR * data;
USHORT length;
USHORT field_length;

switch (*(data++))
case 0xF3: /* write structured field */
/* Next byte is the WCC - ignore */
length -= 2;

while (length > 0)
/* We're just looking for a Read Partion query */
field_length = (((USHORT) *data) << 8) || ((USHORT) *(data + 1));
if ((*(data+2) == 0x01) && /* Read partition */
(*(data+3) == 0xFF) && /* Query */
(*(data+4) == 0x02)) /* not a list */
/* Build an RPQ and flag it to be sent */
rpq_state = RPQ_QUEUED;
data += field_length;
length -= field_length;



} /* parse_data */

/* Name: issue_rpq */
/* */
/* Purpose: issue a response to a Read partition query */
/* */
/* Returns: BOOL - TRUE => sent OK */
/* */
/* Params: none */
/* */
/* Operation: Builds and sends an RPQ reesponse */
/* */
BOOL issue_rpq (void)

BOOL issue_rpq;

issue_rpq = TRUE;
/* Set up the vcb */
memset(&rpq_verb, 0, sizeof(rpq_verb));
rpq_verb.common.lua_verb = LUA_VERB_RUI;
rpq_verb.common.lua_verb_length = sizeof(rpq_verb);
rpq_verb.common.lua_opcode = LUA_OPCODE_RUI_WRITE;
rpq_verb.common.lua_sid = sid;
rpq_verb.common.lua_data_length = RPQ_LENGTH;
rpq_verb.common.lua_data_ptr = (char far *) rpq_data;
rpq_verb.common.lua_post_handle = RPQPOST;
rpq_verb.common.lua_rh.bci = 1;
rpq_verb.common.lua_rh.eci = 1;
rpq_verb.common.lua_rh.dr1i = 1;

/* On the LU session we must add the <enter> key prefix. All inbound */
/* requests flow RQE with the BBI and CDI flags set depending on the */
/* current session state. */
rpq_verb.common.lua_flag1.lu_norm = 1;
rpq_verb.common.lua_rh.ri = 1;
if (send_state == BETB)
/* Between bracket, so open bracket and give direction. Note that we */
/* can do this since we will always be contention winner. */
rpq_verb.common.lua_rh.bbi = 1;
rpq_verb.common.lua_rh.cdi = 1;
send_state = RECV;
else if (send_state = SEND)
/* In bracket and we have direction, so simply give direction. */
rpq_verb.common.lua_rh.cdi = 1;
send_state = RECV;
/* In bracket and we do not have direction, so do not send. */
issue_rpq = FALSE;

if (issue_rpq)
RUI((LUA_VERB_RECORD FAR *) &rpq_verb);

} /* issue_rpq */