The files in this directory contain the ATL code generation wizard for MMC snapins. This is an unsupported preview release of a wizard that will be part of Visual Studio '98. To install into a VC5 development environment, copy the file snapwiz.dll into your <devstudio path>\sharedide\template directory and run regsvr32 on it. Copy the files in the template.atl directory to <devstudio path>\sharedide\template\atl. Finally, copy the files in the include directory to <devstudio path>\VC\atl\include. 
After going through the wizard there are three things you must do to the generated code before it compiles correctly. They are:

1) in the project settings dialog, select the c++ settings tab and in the section for preprocessor define _UNICODE
2) create a toolbar resource as described in the compile error
3) expand the nodetype GUID as described in the compile error

Aside from those 3 steps the code generation wizard will provide you with a working snapin framework, although you will have to customize the resulting code before being able to interact with the snapin.