This is step one of a tutorial sample. This first step is your basic 
"Hello World" application. It places a root node and one child node
in the MMC scope pane tree.

This sample will compile with VC++ 5.0.
It is set up to build a debug version of the DLL.
If you want to run this DLL from the debugger, then go into
the "Project Settings" dialog and on the Debug tab make sure that
the path is correct to the MMC.EXE.
The IDE build will register your DLL for you.

If you build from the command line you will want to
copy the DLL to the system32 directory and register the DLL
by typing from the command line "regsvr32 disk.dll".

This sample uses mmc.h and mmc.lib. In the VC++ 5.0 Project menu,
select Settings. Then add the appropriate directories to find mmc.h
and mmc.lib on the C++ and Link tabs.

To try out the snapin - in MMC, from the Console menu, select Add/Remove
Snap-In. Click the Add button. The name of the Snap-In is Disk.