* This is a part of the Microsoft Source Code Samples.
* Copyright 1995 - 1998 Microsoft Corporation.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is only intended as a supplement to
* Microsoft Development Tools and/or WinHelp documentation.
* See these sources for detailed information regarding the
* Microsoft samples programs.

// commands
#define ID_INSTALL 100

// icons
#define EXE_ICON 300

// typedefs
typedef struct tagINSTALLINFO
HINSTANCE hInst; // current instance
int iWelcome;
int iLicense;
int iInstall_Type;
int iCustom_Options1;
int iCustom_Options2;
int iCustom_Options3;
int iCustom_Options4;
int iInstall;
char pszUserName[MAX_PATH];
char pszCompany[MAX_PATH];
char pszProductIdString[MAX_PATH];
char pszEmailAddress[MAX_PATH];
char pszDestPath[MAX_PATH];

// globals
extern INSTALLINFO setupInfo; // a structure containing the review information
extern HWND hwndEdit; // handle to the main MLE
extern TCHAR lpReview[MAX_BUF]; // Buffer for the review
extern BOOL bCreated; // Keep us minimized once we are created
extern BOOL bUninstallCommand; // Is it an uninstall

// Function prototypes

BOOL InitApplication(HANDLE);
BOOL InitInstance(HANDLE, int);
void RuntimeRegistration(INSTALLINFO*);

// simple win32 registry api wrappers
BOOL RegisterString(LPSTR pszKey, LPSTR pszValue, LPSTR pszData);
BOOL GetRegString(LPSTR pszKey, LPSTR pszValue, LPSTR pszData);

// Context for data needed in my callback routine
// This needs to include the context for the default callback
// since my callback calls the default

typedef struct tagMY_INSTALL_DATA{

// TODO: Add other data here that you want to have
// available to your callback function.
// For example, you may keep a counter that indicates
// your bill board if you are doing your own progress dialog

PVOID pDefaultContext;


// call back routine for setup api uses for
// progress and error messages
LRESULT WINAPI MyQueueCallback (
IN UINT Notification,
IN UINT Param1,
IN UINT Param2

// Product Registry keys
// set by exe and not inf since these are runtime
// values. All registry information that is not determined at
// runtime is in the inf file
#define USER_NAME_KEY TEXT("UserName")
#define COMPANY_KEY TEXT("CompanyName")
#define PRODUCT_ID_KEY TEXT("ProductId")
#define EMAIL_KEY TEXT("EmailAddress")

#define UNINSTALL_KEY TEXT("SoftWare\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall\\MyProduct")
#define MYPRODUCT_KEY TEXT("Software\\MyCompany\\MyProduct\\UserInfo\\")