* This is a part of the Microsoft Source Code Samples.
* Copyright 1993 - 1998 Microsoft Corporation.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is only intended as a supplement to
* Microsoft Development Tools and/or WinHelp documentation.
* See these sources for detailed information regarding the
* Microsoft samples programs.


// Accellerator IDs
#define ACCEL_ID 1001

// Icon IDs
#define UI_FILERICON 2001

// DialogBox Control IDs
#define SB_OK 3001
#define SB_CANCEL 3002
#define SB_ACTION 3003
#define SB_TOFROM 3004
#define SB_SOURCE 3005
#define SB_DEST 3006
#define SB_STATIC 3007
#define SB_KEY 3008
#define SB_VALUE 3009
#define SB_SCROLL 3010

// String Table IDs
#define STR_EXE 4001
#define STR_COM 4002
#define STR_CMD 4003
#define STR_BAT 4004
#define IDS_ABOUTDLGERR 4005
#define IDS_DRVBUTTNERR 4006
#define IDS_CHNGDRVERR 4007
#define IDS_SELOBJERR 4008
#define IDS_BITBLTERR 4009
#define IDS_DRVNOTACTVE 4010
#define IDS_INSRTMEDIA 4011
#define IDS_SRCSTRNGERR 4012
#define IDS_CANTSPAWN 4013
#define IDS_MENUERR1 4014
#define IDS_MENUERR2 4015
#define IDS_MENUERR3 4016
#define IDS_MENUERR4 4017
#define IDS_DCCDRVLST4022
#define IDS_DCCCURDIR 4023
#define IDS_DCCTABSTP 4024
#define IDS_MMOPENERR 4025
#define IDS_COPYING 4026
#define IDS_COPYINGTO 4027
#define IDS_DELETING 4028
#define IDS_DELETINGFRM 4029
#define IDS_MOVING 4030
#define IDS_RENAMEERR 4031
#define IDS_MKDIRERR 4032
#define IDS_VERDLGERR 4033
#define IDS_MMEXPAND 4034
#define IDS_REFRESH1 4035
#define IDS_REFRESH2 4036
#define IDS_REFRESH3 4037
#define IDS_FILDIRERR 4038
#define IDS_FILDIRERR2 4039
#define IDS_FILDIRERR3 4040
#define IDS_FILDIRERR4 4041
#define IDS_DBLCLKERR 4042
#define IDS_SELCNGERR 4043
#define IDS_CONDIRERR 4044
#define IDS_LBNOTFYERR 4045
#define IDS_PARNTFYERR 4046
#define IDS_GETLBTXTERR 4047
#define IDS_OPENLBERR 4048
#define IDS_CANTEDIT 4050
#define IDS_FILE 4051
#define IDS_DIR 4052
#define IDS_GETVERERR 4053
#define IDS_GETVERERR2 4054
#define IDS_GETVERERR3 4055
#define IDS_GETVERERR4 4056
#define IDS_GETVERERR5 4057
#define IDS_GETVERERR6 4058
#define IDS_GETVERERR7 4059
#define IDS_GETVERERR8 4060
#define IDS_ISDIRERR 4061
#define IDS_EXEFILEERR 4062
#define IDS_SELPROCERR 4063
#define IDS_SELDLGERR 4064
#define IDS_SELDLGERR2 4065
#define IDS_SELDLGERR3 4066
#define IDS_SELDLGERR4 4067
#define IDS_SELDLGERR5 4068
#define IDS_SELDLGERR6 4069
#define IDS_SELDLGERR7 4070
#define IDS_FILEIOERR 4071
#define IDS_FILEIOERR2 4072
#define IDS_FILEIOERR3 4073
#define IDS_HNDIOMSG 4074
#define IDS_HNDIOMSG2 4075
#define IDS_HNDIOMSG3 4076
#define IDS_HNDIOMSG4 4077
#define IDS_HNDIOMSG5 4078
#define IDS_RENMEMSG 4079
#define IDS_RENMEMSG2 4080
#define IDS_RENMEMSG3 4081
#define IDS_RENMEMSG4 4082
#define IDS_RENMEMSG5 4083
#define IDS_RENMEMSG6 4084
#define IDS_RENMEMSG7 4085
#define IDS_MKDIRMSG 4086
#define IDS_MKDIRMSG2 4087
#define IDS_MKDIRMSG3 4088
#define IDS_TXTMSG 4089

#define STR_DEF_EDITOR 4101

// Bitmap IDs
#define UB_BMP_MARKER 5001 // This should be the same as the first bitmap.
#define UB_FLOPPY2 5002 // IN THIS ORDER! For 'ease of loading'.
#define UB_REMOTE1 5003
#define UB_REMOTE2 5004
#define UB_CD1 5005
#define UB_CD2 5006
#define UB_FIXED1 5007
#define UB_FIXED2 5008

// Command line window and Drv-CHILD child window IDs
#define COMMAND_ID 6001 // Command Line Window
#define TEXT_WINDOW_ID 6002 // Title Bar
#define LISTDIR_ID 6003 // Directory ListBox
#define LISTFILE_ID 6004 // File ListBox

// Internal Main window IDs
#define MM_FILLDIR 7001
#define MM_FILLFILE 7002

// Menu ID's, VKEYs, & other WM_COMMAND messages
#define MM_OPEN 8001
#define MM_COPY 8002
#define MM_DELETE 8003
#define MM_MOVE 8004
#define MM_RENAME 8005
#define MM_MKDIR 8006
#define MM_DELDIR 8007
#define MM_VERSION 8008
#define MM_EXIT 8009

#define MM_REFRESH 8101
#define MM_ACTIVEDRV 8102
#define MM_TAB 8103
#define MM_SWAP 8104
#define MM_ORIENT 8105
#define MM_EXPAND 8106
#define MM_KEEPCMD 8107

#define MM_ESCAPE 8112
#define MM_TOGGLE 8113

#define MM_ABOUT 8201

#define MM_DRIVE_NUM 8301 // ...Through 8226, one for each drive letter
// .
// .
// 8326

// constants
#define MAIN_WIDTH 605 // Default width and height of main window
#define MAIN_HEIGHT 400

#define DRIVE_BITMAP_WIDTH 23 // Width and height of drive toolbar bitmaps
#define DRIVE_BITMAP_HEIGHT 14 // assoc. w/ bitmap IDs above.
#define DRIVE_LETTER_SPACING 2 // Space between drv bmp and drv letter label
#define DRIVE_BITMAP_SPACING 6 // Space on either side of drv bitmap-labels
#define NUM_BITMAPS 8 // # types of Drive Bitmaps to be loaded.

#define DIRECTORY_STRING_SIZE MAX_PATH // Size of max allowable direcory path

#define LIST_BORDER 2 // Space between listbox and Drv child frame

#define DRIVE_MENU_NUM 2 // This is the 'Drives' submenu

#define LISTBOX_TAB_SIZE 8 // Size of the tabs in the Drv child LBs

#define OVER_UNDER 0 // Relative positions of Drv children
#define SIDE_BY_SIDE 1

#define BOLD_FONT 700 // GetDeviceCaps sez this value is for bold
// in the lfWeight LOGFONT member

#define NUM_EXTENSION_STRINGS 4 // Lists number of file ext. in stringtable
#define EXTENSION_LENGTH 5 // Tot. number of characters in extension,
// including '\0' char.

#define FILE_SYSTEM_STRING_SIZE 20 // Must be >= 8


#define MUTEX_TIMEOUT 50 // LB Mutex timeout in milliseconds

// The following are used in the .EXE Version retrieval code in DRVPROC.C
#define NUM_VERSION_INFO_KEYS 12 // See FilerGetVersion()
#define VERSION_DLG_LB_HEIGHT 10 // height in text lines of version dlg LBs

#define VERSION_INFO_KEY_ROOT TEXT("\\StringFileInfo\\")
// end .EXE Version code constants

// Drive enumeration strucure
typedef struct _PerDriveInfo {
TCHAR DriveLetter;
LPTSTR DriveName;
UINT DriveType;
struct _PerDriveInfo *next;

// Instance data for each Drv child window
typedef struct _PerWndInfo {
HWND hwnd; // Handle to Drive child window
HWND hParent; // Handle to Filer main window
HWND hTextWnd; // Handle to Drive child Title Bar
HWND hFileLB; // Handle to Drv child File LB
HWND hDirLB; // Handle to Drv child Dir LB
HANDLE hDirThread; // Handle to ExpDir or FullExpand thread
HANDLE hDirMutex; // Protects Dir LB from mult. access
HANDLE hFileMutex; // Protects File LB from mult. access
BOOL fDirLeft; // Flag: the Dir LB is on left
BOOL fDirExpand; // Flag: the Dir LB is fully expanded
BOOL fSuicide; // Flag: kills ExpDir/FullExpand thread
BOOL fEscape; // Flag: User aborted Expand thread
LPDINFO lpDriveInfo; // pointer to current _PerDriveInfo
TCHAR CaptionBarText[DIRECTORY_STRING_SIZE]; // Drv Child Title text

typedef struct _PerButtonInfo {
HANDLE hButton;
BOOL fButtonDown;
LPDINFO lpDrive;
struct _PerButtonInfo *next;

typedef struct _SelectDlgInfo {
HWND hwnd;
DWORD dwAction;
LPTSTR szAction;
LPTSTR szToFrom;

// .EXE version information key structure: for FilerGetVersion() in DRVPROC.C
typedef struct _VersionKeyInfo {
TCHAR const *szKey;
TCHAR *szValue;