

program to demonsrate the use of the PDH performance data collection DLL's

this program is a Window NT console app that accepts as arguments
PDH counter paths and then samples the valid counter paths at a 1 second
interval and writes the output to the console output with a timestamp in
the format of a Comma Separated Variable file.

#ifndef _UNICODE
#define _UNICODE 1
#define tmain wmain
#define tmain main

#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN 1
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <pdh.h>


DisplayCommandLineHelp ()
_tprintf (TEXT("\n\nOne or more valid counter paths must be specified as a command line"));
_tprintf (TEXT("\nargument."));
_tprintf (TEXT("\nThe default sample interval is one second and the default output is"));
_tprintf (TEXT("\na Comma Separated Variable (CSV) string"));

tmain (int argc,
LPTSTR argv[])
HQUERY hQuery;
HCOUNTER *pCounterArray;
HCOUNTER *pThisCounterHandle;
PDH_STATUS pdhStatus;
DWORD ctrType;
SYSTEMTIME stSampleTime;

int nThisArg;
int nValidCounters;

// the command line arguments are the counters to sample. the
// sample interval is 1 second.

// count the arguments in the command line
if (argc < 2) {
// not enough arguments in the command line so
// display explanation and exit
DisplayCommandLineHelp ();
return 1;
// there's at least one argument (counter) in the command line
// so process it/them

// open the PDH query object

pdhStatus = PdhOpenQuery (0, 0, &hQuery);
assert (pdhStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS);
// allocate the counter handle array. allocate room for
// one handle per command line arg, not including the
// executable file name
pCounterArray = (HCOUNTER *)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,
(sizeof(HCOUNTER) * (argc -1)));
assert (pCounterArray != NULL);

nValidCounters = 0;
_tprintf (TEXT("\n\"Sample Time\""));
for (nThisArg = 1; nThisArg < argc; nThisArg++) {
pdhStatus = PdhAddCounter (hQuery,
argv[nThisArg], 0, &pCounterArray[nThisArg-1]);
if (pdhStatus != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// the counter didn't get added to the query, probably because
// the path wasn't specified correctly or is not present
printf ("\n\"%s\" is not a valid counter path", argv[nThisArg]);
pCounterArray[nThisArg-1] = NULL;
} else {
// print counter name in heading line
_tprintf (TEXT(",\"%s\""), argv[nThisArg]);

// if there is at least one valid counter, then loop
// until a key is pressed
if (nValidCounters > 0) {
// "prime" counters that need 2 values to display a formatted value
pdhStatus = PdhCollectQueryData (hQuery);
assert (pdhStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS);
// loop until completion event occurs, in this case it's a
// key press.
while (!_kbhit()) {
// wait one interval....
// get sample time
GetLocalTime (&stSampleTime);
// get the current data values
pdhStatus = PdhCollectQueryData (hQuery);
assert (pdhStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS);
// print time stamp
_tprintf (TEXT("\n\"%2.2d/%2.2d/%4.4d %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d.%3.3d\""),
stSampleTime.wMonth, stSampleTime.wDay, stSampleTime.wYear,
stSampleTime.wHour, stSampleTime.wMinute, stSampleTime.wSecond,
// find first valid counter in the list
nThisArg = 0;
pThisCounterHandle = &pCounterArray[nThisArg];
while ((*pThisCounterHandle == NULL) && (nThisArg < argc)) {
// pThisCounterHandle should point to the first valid counter
// in the counter handle array.
// so go from here to the end of the array and print the current
// daa values

while (nThisArg < (argc-1)) {
if (*pThisCounterHandle != NULL) {
// get the current value for this counter
pdhStatus = PdhGetFormattedCounterValue (
if (pdhStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
_tprintf (TEXT(",\"%.20g\""), fmtValue.doubleValue);
} else {
_tprintf (TEXT(".\"-1\"")); // error value
} else {
printf ("\nNo counters to monitor.");

// clean up PDH interface and leave
pdhStatus = PdhCloseQuery (hQuery);
assert (pdhStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS);
return 0;