* This is a part of the Microsoft Source Code Samples.
* Copyright 1993 - 1998 Microsoft Corporation.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is only intended as a supplement to
* Microsoft Development Tools and/or WinHelp documentation.
* See these sources for detailed information regarding the
* Microsoft samples programs.

#include <windows.h>
#include "console.h"

* FUNCTION: resizeConBufAndWindow(HANDLE hConsole, SHORT xSize, *
* SHORT ySize) *
* *
* PURPOSE: resize both the console output buffer and the console *
* window to the given x and y size parameters *
* *
* INPUT: the console output handle to resize, and the required x and *
* y size to resize the buffer and window to. *
* *
* COMMENTS: Note that care must be taken to resize the correct item *
* first; you cannot have a console buffer that is smaller *
* than the console window. *

void resizeConBufAndWindow(HANDLE hConsole, SHORT xSize, SHORT ySize)
CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; /* hold current console buffer info */
BOOL bSuccess;
SMALL_RECT srWindowRect; /* hold the new console size */
COORD coordScreen;

bSuccess = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hConsole, &csbi);
PERR(bSuccess, "GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo");
/* get the largest size we can size the console window to */
coordScreen = GetLargestConsoleWindowSize(hConsole);
PERR(coordScreen.X | coordScreen.Y, "GetLargestConsoleWindowSize");
/* define the new console window size and scroll position */
srWindowRect.Right = (SHORT) (min(xSize, coordScreen.X) - 1);
srWindowRect.Bottom = (SHORT) (min(ySize, coordScreen.Y) - 1);
srWindowRect.Left = srWindowRect.Top = (SHORT) 0;
/* define the new console buffer size */
coordScreen.X = xSize;
coordScreen.Y = ySize;
/* if the current buffer is larger than what we want, resize the */
/* console window first, then the buffer */
if ((DWORD) csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y > (DWORD) xSize * ySize)
bSuccess = SetConsoleWindowInfo(hConsole, TRUE, &srWindowRect);
PERR(bSuccess, "SetConsoleWindowInfo");
bSuccess = SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(hConsole, coordScreen);
PERR(bSuccess, "SetConsoleScreenBufferSize");
/* if the current buffer is smaller than what we want, resize the */
/* buffer first, then the console window */
if ((DWORD) csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y < (DWORD) xSize * ySize)
bSuccess = SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(hConsole, coordScreen);
PERR(bSuccess, "SetConsoleScreenBufferSize");
bSuccess = SetConsoleWindowInfo(hConsole, TRUE, &srWindowRect);
PERR(bSuccess, "SetConsoleWindowInfo");
/* if the current buffer *is* the size we want, don't do anything! */

* FUNCTION: demoSizeInfo(HANDLE hConOut) *
* *
* PURPOSE: demonstrate SetConsoleWindowInfo and *
* SetConsoleScreenBufferSize. Resize the console buffer and *
* window *
* *
* INPUT: console output handle to set the information for *

void demoSizeInfo(HANDLE hConOut)
SHORT sConX, sConY; /* save the current console dimensions */

myPuts(hConOut, "Let's resize the console buffer and window to a 40 x 25\n"
"size screen by using the SetConsoleScreenBufferSize and\n"
"SetConsoleWindowInfo APIs. Hit enter to continue...\n");
sConX = getConX(hConOut);
sConY = getConY(hConOut);
resizeConBufAndWindow(hConOut, (SHORT) 40, (SHORT) 25);
myPuts(hConOut, "Now let's resize to a large size of\n"
"200 x 200 - notice that the console\n"
"window size will not grow larger than\n"
"the physical screen size. Hit enter\n"
"to continue...\n");
resizeConBufAndWindow(hConOut, (SHORT) 200, (SHORT) 200);
myPuts(hConOut, "Now let's resize back to our original size screen.\n"
"Hit enter to continue...\n");
resizeConBufAndWindow(hConOut, sConX, sConY);
myPuts(hConOut, "Now we're back to our original size. Hit enter to return...");