Browsing the User Database

You would browse the user database in Dcomcnfg.exe when you need to find the fully qualified username for a particular user. For instance, you can browse the user database to locate a user that you want to add for access or launch permissions.

    To browse the user database:
  1. In the List Names From list box, select the domain containing the user or group you want to add.
  2. To see the users that belong to the selected domain, choose the Show Users button.
  3. To see the members of a particular group, select the group in the Names list box and choose the Show Members button.
  4. If you cannot locate the user or group you want to add, choose the Search button, which brings up the Find Account dialog box. Select the domain you want to search (or select Search All), type the user name you want to look for, and choose the Search button.