The OLEDCFLAGS enumeration value supplies additional information to the container about the device context that the object has requested. It is used in IOleInPlaceSiteWindowless::GetDC.

typedef enum tagOLEDCFLAGS 
    OLEDC_NODRAW        = 0x1, 
    OLEDC_PAINTBKGND    = 0x2, 
    OLEDC_OFFSCREEN     = 0x4 


Indicates that the object will not use the returned hDC for drawing but merely to get information about the display device. In this case, the container can simply pass the window's device context without further processing.
Requests that the container paint the background behind the object before returning the device context. Objects should use this flag when requesting a device context to paint a transparent area.
Indicates that the object prefers to draw into an offscreen device context that should then be copied to the screen. The container can honor this request or not. If this bit is cleared, the container must return an on-screen device context allowing the object to perform direct screen operations such as showing a selection via an XOR operation. An object can specify this value when the drawing operation generates a lot of screen flicker.


  Windows NT: Use version 4.0 and later.
  Windows: Use Windows 95 and later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in ocidl.h.

See Also
