
Provides the caller with a means to turn text string into a moniker such that the caller does not have to interpret the name in any way itself. In many cases, the implementation of IBindHost::CreateMoniker will simply call MkParseDisplayNameEx, but this method gives the implementor of IBindHost a chance to catch host-specific strings that MkParseDisplayNameEx would not otherwise recognize. Specifically, IBindHost::CreateMoniker should resolve relative path names into absolute pathnames when interpreting the pszName.

HRESULT CreateMoniker(
  LPOLESTR  pszName,  //Pointer to the string to parse
  IMoniker ** ppmk    //Address of output variable that receives the 
                      // IMoniker interface pointer


[in] Pointer to the string containing the name to parse.
[out] Address of IMoniker* pointer variable that receives the interface pointer to the moniker created from pszName. The caller is responsible for calling IMoniker::Release when the moniker is no longer needed.

Return Values

The moniker was successfully obtained and the caller is responsible for the interface pointer.
There is insufficient memory to create the moniker.
An unexpected error occurred.
The bind host was unable to parse the string into a moniker because the information in the name was unrecognizable.


E_NOTIMPL is not allowed — a bind host is responsible for providing moniker parsing services.


  Windows NT: Use version 5.0 or later.
  Windows: Unsupported.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in urlmon.h.