IEnumSTATPROPSETSTG-Compound File Implementation

The compound file implementation of IEnumSTATPROPSETSTG interface is used to enumerate through an array of STATPROPSETSTG structures, which contain statistical information about the properties managed by the compound file implementation of IPropertySetStorage, which is associated with a current compound file storage object.

When to Use

Call the methods of IEnumSTATPROPSETSTG to enumerate STATPROPSETSTG structures, each of which provides information about one of the property sets associated with the compound file storage object.



Gets the next one or more STATPROPSETSTG structures (the number is specified by the celt parameter). The STATPROPSETSTG elements provided through a call to the compound file implementation of IEnumSTATPROPSETSTG::Next follow these rules:

Note  If you always create a property set using IPropertySetStorage::Create, then, since a "Character GUID" is created for the storage name, IEnumSTATPROPSETSTG::Next will return a nonzero, valid format identifier for the property set[STATPROPSETSTG.fmtid].

Skips the number of elements specified in celt. Returns S_OK if the specified number of elements are skipped, returns S_FALSE if fewer elements than requested are skipped. In any other case, returns the appropriate error.
Sets the cursor to the beginning of the enumeration. If successful, returns S_OK, otherwise, returns STG_E_INVALIDHANDLE.
Copies the current enumeration state of this enumerator.