
Called just after invoking IMalloc::DidAlloc.

int PostDidAlloc(
  void * pRequest,  //Original pointer passed to IMalloc::DidAlloc
  BOOL fSpyed,      //Whether the allocation was done while this spy 
                    //was active
  int fActual       //Whether pRequest was actual value used in 
                    //IMalloc call


[in] Pointer specified in the original call to IMalloc::DidAlloc.
[in] TRUE if the allocation was done while this spy was active.
[in] Actual value returned by IMalloc::DidAlloc.

Return Value

The value returned to the caller of IMalloc::DidAlloc.


When a spy object implementing IMallocSpy is registered with CoRegisterMallocSpy, COM calls this method immediately after any call to IMalloc::DidAlloc. This method is included for completeness and consistency — it is not anticipated that developers will implement significant functionality in this method.

For convenience, pRequest, the original pointer passed in the call to IMalloc::DidAlloc, is passed to PostDidAlloc. In addition, the parameter fActual is a boolean that indicates whether this value was actually passed to IMalloc::DidAlloc. If not, it would indicate that IMallocSpy::PreDidAlloc was implemented to alter this pointer for some debugging purpose.

The fSpyed parameter is a boolean that indicates whether the allocation was done while the current spy object was active.


  Windows NT: Use version 4.0 or later.
  Windows: Use Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in objidl.h.

See Also

IMalloc::DidAlloc, IMallocSpy::PreDidAlloc, CoRegisterMallocSpy, CoRevokeMallocSpy