
The IMoniker interface contains methods that allow you to use a moniker object, which contains information that uniquely identifies a COM object. An object that has a pointer to the moniker object's IMoniker interface can locate, activate, and get access to the identified object without having any other specific information on where the object is actually located in a distributed system.

Like a path to a file in a file system, a moniker contains information that allows a COM object to be located and activated. Monikers can identify any type of COM object, from a document object stored in a file to a selection within an embedded object. COM provides a set of moniker classes that allow you to create moniker objects identifying the objects most commonly found in the system. For example, there might be an object representing a range of cells in a spreadsheet which is itself embedded in a text document stored in a file. In a distributed system, this object's moniker would identify the location of the object's system, the file's physical location on that system, the storage of the embedded object within that file, and, finally, the location of the range of cells within the embedded object.

A moniker object supports the IMoniker interface, which is derived from the IPersistStream interface, and uniquely identifies a single object in the system. Once an object providing a moniker has created the moniker object, this information cannot be changed within that object. If the moniker provider changes the information, it can only do so by creating a new moniker object, which would then uniquely identify the object in question.

Monikers have two important capabilites:

Monikers are used as the basis for linking in COM. A linked object contains a moniker that identifies its source. When the user activates the linked object to edit it, the moniker is bound; this loads the link source into memory.

When to Implement

Implement IMoniker only if you are writing a new moniker class. This is necessary only if you need to identify objects that cannot be identified using one of the COM-supplied moniker classes described below.

The COM-supplied moniker classes are sufficient for most situations. Before considering writing your own moniker class, you should make sure that your requirements cannot be satisified by these classes.

If you decide you need to write your own implementation of IMoniker, you must also implement the IROTData interface on your moniker class. This interface allows your monikers to be registered with the Running Object Table (ROT).

When to Use

Two kinds of objects call the methods of IMoniker:

The component providing a moniker makes it accessible to other objects. It is important to understand the differences between the various system-supplied moniker classes to know which are appropriate for a given object. COM also provides functions for creating monikers using the COM-supplied moniker classes.

A moniker provider must also implement other interfaces to allow the monikers it hands out to be bound. COM objects that commonly provide monikers are link sources. These include server applications that support linking and container applications that support linking to their embedded objects.

Binding to an object means that a client uses a moniker to locate the object, activate it when necessary, and get a pointer to one of the active object's interfaces. The client of the moniker does not need to be aware of the class of the moniker — it must just get a pointer to the correct moniker's IMoniker interface. Monikers are used most often in this way by container applications that allow their documents to contain linked objects. However, link containers rarely call IMoniker methods directly. Instead, they generally manipulate linked objects through the default handler's implementation of the IOleLink interface, which calls the appropriate IMoniker methods as needed.

Methods in Vtable Order

IUnknown Methods Description
QueryInterface Returns pointers to supported interfaces.
AddRef Increments reference count.
Release Decrements reference count.

IPersist Methods Description
GetClassID Returns the object's CLSID.

IPersistStream Methods Description
IsDirty Checks whether object has been modified.
Load Loads the object from a stream.
Save Saves the object to a stream.
GetSizeMax Returns the buffer size needed to save the object.

IMoniker Methods Description
BindToObject Binds to the object named by the moniker.
BindToStorage Binds to the object's storage.
Reduce Reduces the moniker to simplest form.
ComposeWith Composes with another moniker.
Enum Enumerates component monikers.
IsEqual Compares with another moniker.
Hash Returns a hash value.
IsRunning Checks whether object is running.
GetTimeOfLastChange Returns time the object was last changed.
Inverse Returns the inverse of the moniker.
CommonPrefixWith Finds the prefix that the moniker has in common with another moniker.
RelativePathTo Constructs a relative moniker between the moniker and another.
GetDisplayName Returns the display name.
ParseDisplayName Converts a display name into a moniker.
IsSystemMoniker Checks whether moniker is one of the system-supplied types.


  Windows NT: Use version 3.1 or later.
  Windows: Use Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in objidl.h.

See Also

BindMoniker, CreateBindCtx, CreateGenericComposite, CreateFileMoniker, CreateItemMoniker, CreateAntiMoniker, CreatePointerMoniker, IOleLink, IPersistStream, IROTData, IMoniker—AntiMoniker Implementation, IMoniker—File Moniker Implementation, IMoniker—Item Moniker Implementation, IMoniker—Generic Composite Moniker Implementation, IMoniker—Pointer Moniker Implementation