
Requests a view to show or hide itself.

  BOOL fShow  // Boolean value specifying whether to activate or 
              // deactivate the view


[in] If TRUE, the view is to show itself. If FALSE, the view is to hide itself.

Return Values

This method supports the standard return values E_FAIL, E_OUTOFMEMORY, and E_UNEXPECTED, as well as the following:

The view was successfully shown or hidden.


Calling IOleDocumentView::Show is the last step in the activation sequence, because before showing itself a document object must know exactly what space it occupies and have all its tools available.

Notes to Callers

A call to this method for the purpose of activating a view should follow calls to IOleDocumentView::SetInPlaceSite, IOleDocumentView::UIActivate, and IOleDocumentView::SetRect (or SetRectComplex).

Notes to Implementers

Implementations of this method should embody the following pseudocode:

if (fShow)
    In-place activate the view but do not UI activate it.
    Show the view window. 
    Call IOleDocumentView::UIActivate(FALSE) on this view
    Hide the view window

All views of a document object must at least support in-place activation; E_NOTIMPL is not an acceptable value.


  Windows NT: Use version 5.0 or later.
  Windows: Unsupported.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in docobj.h.

See Also

IOleDocumentView::SetInPlaceSite, IOleDocumentView::SetRect, IOleDocumentView::SetRectComplex, IOleDocumentView::UIActivate