
Retrieves information about the current open property set.

  STATPROPSTG * pstatpsstg  //Pointer to a filled-in STATPROPSETSTG 


[out] Pointer to a STATPROPSETSTG structure, which contains statistics about the current open property set.

Return Values

This method supports the standard return value E_UNEXPECTED, as well as the following:

Statistics were successfully obtained.
The requested access to the property storage object has been denied.
There is not sufficient memory to perform this operation.
The parameter is invalid.


IPropertyStorage::Stat fills in and returns a pointer to a STATPROPSETSTG structure, containing statistics about the current property set. STATPROPSETSTG fields have the following meanings:

Field Meaning
fmtid The FMTID of this property set, specified when the property set was initially created.
clsid The CLSID of this property set, specified when the property set was initially created and possibly modified thereafter with IpropertyStorage::SetClass. If not set, the value will be CLSID_NULL.
grfFlags The flag values this set was created with. For details, see IpropertySetStorage::Create.
mtime The time in UTC (FILETIME) at which this property set was last modified. Not all IPropertyStorage implementations maintain modification times on property sets; those who do not will return zero for this value.
ctime The time in UTC (FILETIME) at which this property set was created. Not all IPropertyStorage implementations maintain creation times on property sets; those that do not will set this value to 0.
atime The time in UTC (FILETIME) at which this property set was last accessed. Not all IPropertyStorage implementations maintain last access times on property sets; those that do not will set this value to 0.


  Windows NT: Use version 4.0 or later.
  Windows: Use Windows 95 or later. Available as a redistributable for Windows 95.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in objidl.h.

See Also

STATPROPSETSTG structure, IPropertySetStorage::Enum, FILETIME structure