AppID Key

Groups the configuration options, a set of named values, for one or more distributed COM objects into one centralized location in the registry. Distributed COM objects hosted by the same executable are grouped into one AppID to simplify the management of common security and configuration settings. The HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes key corresponds to the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT key, which was retained for compatibility with earlier versions of COM.

Registry Entry

{AppID_value}\named_value = value


AppIDs are located in a newly created registry key hierarchy. The AppID_value is a 128-bit Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) that identifies the AppID key.

AppIDs are mapped to executables and classes using two different mechanisms:

Named Values:

RemoteServerName = value
Sets name of remote server
ActivateAtStorage = value
Configures client to activate on same system as persistent storage
LocalService = value
Sets the application as a Win32 service
ServiceParameters = value
Sets parameters to be passed to a LocalService on invocation
RunAs = value
Sets an application to run only as a given user.
LaunchPermission = value
Sets an ACL that determines who can launch the application
AccessPermission = value
Sets an ACL that determines access
DllSurrogate = path
Specifies that a DLL server is to use a surrogate EXE file. If path is not specified, system-provided surrogate is used
AuthenticationLevel = value
Sets the authentication level for the AppID, overriding LegacyAuthenticationLevel

See Also

CLSID key, OLE Registry Entries, Registering COM Servers