The PROPPAGEINFO structure contains parameters used to describe a property page to a property frame. A property page fills a caller-provided structure in the IPropertyPage::GetPageInfo method.

The pszTitle, pszDocString, and the pszHelpFile members specified in this structure should contain text sensitive to the locale obtained through IPropertyPageSite::GetLocaleID.

typedef struct tagPROPPAGEINFO
    ULONG     cb;
    LPOLESTR  pszTitle;
    SIZE      size;
    LPOLESTR  pszDocString;
    LPOLESTR  pszHelpFile;
    DWORD     dwHelpContext;


Size of the PROPPAGEINFO structure.
Pointer to the string that appears in the tab for this page. The string must be allocated with CoTaskMemAlloc. The caller of IPropertyPage::GetPageInfo is responsible for freeing the memory with CoTaskMemFree.
Required dimensions of the page's dialog box, in pixels.
Pointer to a text string describing the page, which can be displayed in the property sheet dialog box (current frame implementation doesn't use this field). The text must be allocated with CoTaskMemAlloc. The caller of IPropertyPage::GetPageInfo is responsible for freeing the memory with CoTaskMemFree.
Pointer to the simple name of the help file that describes this property page used instead of implementing IPropertyPage::Help. When the user presses Help, the Help method is normally called. If that method fails, the frame will open the help system with this help file (prefixed with the value of the HelpDir key in the property page's registry entries under its CLSID) and will instruct the help system to display the context described by the dwHelpContext field. The path must be allocated with CoTaskMemAlloc. The caller of IPropertyPage::GetPageInfo is responsible for freeing the memory with CoTaskMemFree.
Context identifier for the help topic within pszHelpFile that describes this page.


  Windows NT: Use version 4.0 or later.
  Windows: Use Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in ocidl.h.

See Also

CoTaskMemAlloc, CoTaskMemFree, IPropertyPageSite::GetLocaleID, IPropertyPage::GetPageInfo, IPropertyPage::Help