Selection Techniques

Form Design uses standard Microsoft Windows® conventions to select controls. A simple click selects a single control. Shift-click adds or removes one control from the selection, and clicking and dragging can be used to define a bounding box for multiple-control selections. As you progress past designing the simplest forms, you may find several less obvious techniques useful.

Selecting Forms and Sections

To select a form (rather than some section or control within that form) with the mouse, click in the empty white box between the horizontal and vertical rulers in the upper-left corner of the Form Design window. (A form can also be selected from the Edit menu.)

Normally, you can click on the background of a section to select it. However, if you have an opaque rectangle or other large control present on your form, it can sometimes be hard to find some section background to click on. In such cases, just click on the section bar displayed at the top of the section in design mode. The bar contains the text describing the section ("Form Header" or "Detail").

Property Intersection

In Microsoft Access 2.0, the property sheet includes all properties that are common to the selected controls. This allows you to set properties for several controls much more easily.