Description of Sessions:

Building Components With Java Based on ActiveX: Come to this session to learn how to leverage Java and COM to create ActiveX controls and ActiveX Server components.

Active Server Pages Programming 1: Building Active Server Pages: Denali is the way to serve up dynamic content on your web site. Learn how to embed VBScript and components inside of your web pages to create active, browser-independent pages. This session will show you how to use the intrinsic components provided with Denali to get easy access to the HTTP request information. The session will also cover dtaabase connectivity and browser detection.

Active Server Pages Programming 2: Building Applications Using Session and Application State, Custom Components, and Advanced Scripting : Learn how to build dynaic applications around those pages. This session will cover how to use your own Ole Automation objects within Denali, and how to maintain user and application state on the server, so that you can follow users' progress through your web site.