Use table-type Recordsets instead of dynaset or snapshot-types

Using a table-type recordset will be faster than a dynaset or snapshot for all operations that they support. The two exceptions to this are the .Filter and .Sort properties (see #26 and #40). If you don't need to join data or do complex .Find requests, then this is a great way to speed up your data access. As a general "counter rule", however, as soon as you do need to do any joins, sorting, etc., it will be quicker to use the appropriate dynaset or snapshot (see also #4).

One of the obstacles to using table-type recordsets is that you cannot open attached tables as table-type recordsets. Tip #3 shows how you can look inside the connection information for an attached table and use that information to open the database and hence the table directly.

If the tables involved are small, then the benefits of using this technique will be small and you might choose to use dynasets or snapshots for convenience.

This tip cannot be used against ODBC data sources because they cannot be opened as tables directly. This is an inherent architectural limitation of the way client-servers work.