
Many of the references below can be found on the Microsoft Developers Network CD-ROM, as well as other download services.

  1. "Jet Database Engine ODBC Connectivity White Paper," Neil Black & Stephen Hecht, Microsoft (Part No. 098-53349). This paper describes in great detail how Jet uses ODBC to access server data. This is required reading for anyone using DAO to write significant server applications. It can be downloaded from the usual Microsoft online locations.
  2. "Developing Client/Server Applications" A chapter in the manual that comes with the Microsoft Access Developers Toolkit and the Microsoft Access Upsizing Tools.
  3. "ODBC: Architecture, Performance, and Tuning," Colleen Lambert. This paper provides a good overview of how ODBC works and addresses performance issues in a realistic and useful fashion.
  4. "A Client-Server Application: From Concept to Reality," Greg Nelson and Roger Jennings. This has a good overview of creating a client-server application and an examination of a real world example.