Title: Adding Controls: No IDataObject support
Platforms: | Windows NT 3.51, 4.0, Windows 95 |
Requirements: | Office97 app, OLE control. Container must have Control Toolbox |
Sample Apps: | Microsoft Word 97, DBGrid Control |
Test Category: | CONTROL |
Word97, Excel97, and Powerpoint97 apps use IDataObject, not IViewObject to draw controls, so controls that do not contain support for IDataObject will not work in Office97. This test is more of a container test, but is included here for controls that do not support IDataObject. Note that Access97 does not have this limitation.
Control will not be added and an application specific error message will inform the user about the lack of IDataObject support.
Application |
Invalid License Error Message |
Excel | Cannot Insert Object |
Word | The server application, source file, or item cannot be found. Make sure the application is properly installed, and that it has not been deleted, moved, or renamed. |
Powerpoint | Cannot create ActiveX Control which does not support IDataObject |
Access | you don't have the license required to use this ActiveX control.... The control could not be created because it is not properly licensed. |
This test verifies that a control contains IDataObject support by adding it to an Office97 document using the control toolbox.