Abstract Syntax Notation One
(ASN.1) A method used to specify abstract objects that are intended for serial transmission.

ASN.1 is defined in CCITT Recommendation X.208.

access block
A key blob that contains the key of the symmetric cipher used to encrypt a file or message.

The access block can only be opened with a private key.

The CryptoAPI algorithm class for hashing algorithms.

Typical hashing algorithms include MD2, MD5, SHA-1, and MAC.

The CryptoAPI algorithm class for data encryption algorithms.

Typical data encryption algorithms include RC2 and RC4.

The CryptoAPI algorithm class for key exchange algorithms.

A typical key exchange algorithm is RSA_KEYX.

The CryptoAPI algorithm class for signature algorithms.

A typical digital signature algorithm is RSA_SIGN.

application protocol
A protocol that normally resides on top of the transport layer. For example, HTTP, TELNET, FTP, and SMTP are all application protocols.
See Abstract Syntax Notation One.
asymmetric algorithm
See public-key algorithm.
An element of a relative distinguished name (RDN). Some typical attributes include common name, surname, e-mail address, street address, and country name.

With respect to the CryptoAPI, each attribute is defined by a CERT_RDN_ATTR structure.

attribute blob
An encoded representation of the attribute information stored in a certificate request.
To determine the identity of the entity that signed a message (entity authentication), or to verify that a message was not altered (data authentication).