Store Management

Several functions provide services for the management of the state of a certificate store. CertOpenSystemStore opens a system store to access certificates saved in that store. CertOpenStore opens any store, including a system store, so that certificates can be accessed. CertDuplicateStore creates a copy of a store. CertSaveStore saves the contents of a store to a disk file or a memory location, and CertCloseStore closes stores, freeing the memory the store used.

CertControlStore manages a store while it is open. An application with an open store can be notified when the persisted state of that store has changed by some other process. This could happen if new certificates were copied to the local computer store from a domain control computer

When changes are discovered, the cached store can re-synchronize its cached store to match the persited state of the store. CertControlStore also supports a process that copies cached store changes to permanent storage when these changes in the cached store are not automatically saved.