Simplified Message Functions

These are Win32® functions that wrap several of the lower-level Microsoft® CryptoAPI functions into a single function to accomplish a given task. This makes it easier for you to accomplish those specific tasks.

The following functions are included in this category and can also be found in Wincrypt.h.

Function Description
CryptDecodeMessage Decodes a cryptographic message.
CryptDecryptAndVerifyMessageSignature Decrypts the specified message and verifies the signer.
CryptDecryptMessage Decrypts the specified message.
CryptEncryptMessage Encrypts the message for the recipient or recipients.
CryptGetMessageCertificates Returns the certificate store containing the message's certificates and CRLs.
CryptGetMessageSignerCount Returns the count of signers in the signed message.
CryptHashMessage Creates a hash of the message.
CryptSignAndEncryptMessage Signs the message and encrypts for the recipient or recipients.
CryptSignMessage Signs the message.
CryptVerifyDetachedMessageHash Verifies a hashed message containing a detached hash.
CryptVerifyDetachedMessageSignature Verifies a signed message containing a detached signature or signatures.
CryptVerifyMessageHash Verifies a hashed message.
CryptVerifyMessageSignature Verifies a signed message.