General Tab (Page Properties Dialog Box)


Allows you to set the title, background image, page margins, script language, and browser object model for a page.


Page Title

Specifies the title that appears in the title bar when the page is viewed in a browser.

Background Image

Displays the name and path of the .gif, .jpg, or .jpeg file used for the page background. You can change the background image by choosing Browse and searching for a new image.

Nonscrolling Background

Specifies that the background image does not scroll.

Default Scripting Language


Sets the default server scripting language for script blocks that do not include an explicit Language attribute. The following tag is added to the top of the page:

<%@ language=VBScript %>


<%@ language=JavaScript %>


Sets the default client scripting language for script blocks that are generated by the Script Outline window when you double-click the name of an event handler name. If the default language is VBScript, handlers are created in the script block called clientEventHandlersVBS. If the default language is JavaScript, handlers are created in the script block called clientEventHandlersJS.

DTC scripting platform

These options can be set for the entire Web project from the Editor Defaults Tab of the Project Properties dialog box.

Server (ASP)

Select to use design-time controls as server objects in this ASP page. Design-time controls will run on most browsers that support HTML 3.2. This option is only available for .asp files.

Client (IE 4.0 DHTML)

Select to use design-time controls as client objects in this page. Design-time controls run on Internet Explorer 4.x browsers. This option is available for both .htm and .asp files.

For more information, see "Database Architecture."

ASP settings

Enable transactions

Specifies whether Microsoft Transaction Server should consider changes that occur in the page, such as database manipulation or MSMQ message transmission, as transactions. A transaction is a server operation that succeeds or fails as a whole, even if the operation involves many steps. Transaction processing applies only to database access; Transaction Server cannot roll back changes to the file system or changes to other, nontransactional resources. Microsoft Transaction Server is included as part of Microsoft Internet Information Server. If selected, the following tag is added to the top of the page:

<% @ Transaction=required%>

For more information, see "Creating Transactional Scripts" in the Microsoft Internet Information Server documentation.

Sessionless ASP pages

Specifies that Internet Information Server does not allow Session object support for maintaining user information over the course of a visit. The following tag is added to the top of the page:

<%@ EnableSessionState=FALSE %>

Note   You use the Session object to store information needed for a particular user session. Variables stored in the Session object are not discarded when the user jumps between pages in the application; instead, these variables persist for the entire time the user is accessing pages in your application. You can also use Session methods to explicitly end a session and set the timeout period for an idle session. For more information, see "Managing Sessions."

Enable scripting object model

Specifies whether or not to use the Visual InterDev scripting object model for ASP pages.