HTML Editor Keyboard Shortcuts (Source View)


In Source view, the HTML Editor provides shortcut keys for a variety of operations. The following tables list the editor-specific shortcut keys, divided by function:


To Press
Move left one character. LEFT ARROW
Move right one character. RIGHT ARROW
Move left to the beginning of a word. CTRL+LEFT ARROW
Move right to the beginning of a word. CTRL+RIGHT ARROW
Move to the beginning of the line HOME
Move to the end of the line. END
Move up one line. UP ARROW
Move down one line. DOWN ARROW
Scroll text up one line. CTRL+UP ARROW
Scroll text down one line. CTRL+DOWN ARROW
Move up one page (the number of lines visible in the current window). PAGE UP
Move down one page (the number of lines visible in the current window). PAGE DOWN
Move to the beginning of the document. CTRL+HOME
Move to the end of the document. CTRL+END
Display the GoTo Line box to move to a specific line. CTRL+G*
Move to the next matching brace ( } ). This feature is useful when you are writing script using JavaScript (ECMAScript). CTRL+]
Set or clear a bookmark. Hold down CTRL and press KK
Go to the next bookmark. Hold down CTRL and press KN
Go to the previous bookmark. Hold down CTRL and press KP
Remove all bookmarks. Hold down CTRL and press KL

* Differs in Design view.


To Press
Extend selection one character left. SHIFT+LEFT ARROW
Extend selection one character right. SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW
Extend the selection one word to the left. CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT ARROW
Extend selection right one word. CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW
Extend the selection to either the start of the current line or the start of the text on that line. SHIFT+HOME
Extend selection to the end of the line. SHIFT+END
Extend selection up one line. SHIFT+UP ARROW
Extend selection down one line. SHIFT+DOWN ARROW
Extend selection up one page. SHIFT+PAGE UP
Extend selection down one page. SHIFT+PAGE DOWN
Extend the selection to the beginning of the document. CTRL+SHIFT+HOME
Extend the selection to the end of the document. CTRL+SHIFT+END
Extend the selection to the matching brace ( } ). This feature is useful when you are writing script using JavaScript (ECMAScript). CTRL+SHIFT+]
Select the current word. CTRL+W
Select the entire document. CTRL+A
Toggle between vertical and horizontal selection mode. Hold down CTRL and press RS


To Press
Toggle between inserting and replacing text. INSERT
Delete the selection or, if there is no selection, the character to the left of the cursor. BACKSPACE
Delete the selected text without placing it on the Clipboard. DELETE
Cut the current line to the Clipboard. CTRL+M
Delete the current line without copying it to the Clipboard. CTRL+SHIFT+M
Delete the word to the right of the insertion point. CTRL+DELETE
Delete the word to the left of the insertion point. CTRL+BACKSPACE
Cut the selected text to the Clipboard. CTRL+X or SHIFT+DELETE
Copy the selected text to the Clipboard. CTRL+C or CTRL+INS
Insert the Clipboard contents at the insertion point. CTRL+V or SHIFT+INSERT
Swap characters around the insertion point. For example, AC|BD becomes AB|CD. CTRL+T
Swap the current and previous words, or transpose words around an operator. For example, transpose apple = fruit to fruit = apple. CTRL+SHIFT+T
Swap the current and previous lines. ALT+SHIFT+T
Change the selected text to lowercase characters. CTRL+U
Change the selected text to uppercase characters. CTRL+SHIFT+U
Undo the last editing action in the current line. CTRL+Z or ALT+BACKSPACE
Restore the previously undone action. CTRL+Y or ALT+SHIFT+BACKSPACE
Show or hide spaces and tabs (toggle). Hold down CTRL and press RW
Replace spaces with tabs in selected text. CTRL+Q*
Replace tabs with spaces in selected text. CTRL+SHIFT+Q*
Indent selected lines right one tab stop. You can change tab stop settings in the Tabs Options dialog box. TAB*
Move selected lines left one tab stop. SHIFT+TAB*

* Differs in Design view.

Statement Completion

List members of current class for statement completion when editing script. CTRL+J*
Move up one page in the statement completion list. CTRL+PAGE UP
Move down one page in the statement completion list. CTRL+PAGE DOWN
Move to the beginning of the statement completion list. CTRL+HOME
Move to the end of the statement completion list. CTRL+END
Insert currently selected word from statement completion list. TAB
Finish current word. If beginning of word is ambiguous, displays statement completion list. CTRL+SPACEBAR

* Differs in Design view.

HTML Insertion

To Press
Display a dialog box to insert an HTML bookmark. CTRL+SHIFT+L
Display a dialog box to insert an HTML link. CTRL+L
Display a dialog box to insert an HTML image tag. CTRL+SHIFT+W