Design-Time Controls Tab (Customize Toolbox Box)


Displays a list of all of the design-time controls registered on your machine and available to add to your project's Toolbox. The controls that the development environment determines are in the Toolbox and in the registry display check marks to the left of their names.

You can:


Name, Path, and Last Modified List

Displays the available controls: their names, full paths, and the time and date when each control was last modified.

The full path is useful if you want to group the controls by location. The last modified date is useful when you want to see which controls have been built recently.


Displays the development language and version of the selected control.


Displays the Browse dialog box so you can select ActiveX Controls (.ocx files) or DLLs that exist on your machine or network but are not registered on your machine. When you select a control, it is registered and appears in the Name, Path, and Last Modified list with a check in the checkbox to the left of it.


Restores the Toolbox to its default state and refreshes the currently open tab. The default controls appear with checks in the check boxes to the left of them.