Object Browser


Displays the classes, properties, methods, events, and constants available for packages and object libraries and the procedures in your project. You can use it to find and use objects you create, as well as objects from other applications.

Note   The contents of the Object Browser are application-specific. When an application is loaded into memory, it may fill the browser with specific contents. Therefore, you may not see the same contents you saw during your last session. Once you create a project or select a command that uses a particular application, the contents of the Object Browser specific to that application may appear and remain available as long as the application remains in memory. Common items are available all of the time.

You can obtain help for the Object Browser by pressing CTRL+F1 or by choosing Object Browser help from the shortcut menu.



Button Name Description
Show Classes Displays the classes or classes and members in the selected package or library in the Classes & Members and Members panes. Changing the view does not affect the current filter and Grouping or Sorting settings.
Show Members Displays the members of the selected class in Classes & Members and Members pane. Changing the view does not affect the current filter and Grouping or Sorting settings.
Filter Classes and Members Displays all of the entries in the Classes & Members and Members panes based on what you type or select. Pressing ENTER displays all entries that contain the text.
Remove Filter: Show All Classes/Members Removes any text in the Filter Classes and Members list and updates the contents of both the Classes & Members and Members and the Members panes.
Filter Finds Beginning of Word Only Displays only entries that contain the text in the Filter Classes and Members box at the beginning of their name.
Select Current Packages/Libraries Displays the Select Packages/Libraries dialog box where you can choose the package(s)/libraries whose contents you want to view.
Group by Packages/Libraries Displays a list of the currently selected libraries and packages.
Grouping and Sorting Displays the Grouping and Sorting dialog box where you can create custom groupings and sort the content of the Members pane.
Copy Allows you to copy the selected item in the current list. If there is no explicit selection in the description pane, the entire text is copied.
Help Displays documentation on the selected member. You can also press F1.

Classes & Members Pane

Lists the classes, members, or both based on the current filtering and packages/libraries included in or referenced by or added to the current solution. Classes expand according to contents into three categories: Superclasses, Subclasses, and Implemented Interfaces. You can further expand each category to display the classes that are in the category.

Members Pane

Lists the members of the selected class or classes of the selected member in the Classes & Members and Members pane. The list can be sorted either alphabetically or based on the sort order specified in the Grouping and Sorting dialog.


Displays a definition of the selected item and prototype syntax based on the current development language. The Description pane also contains a jump to the class, library, or type to which the item belongs. Some members have jumps to their parent class.

You can copy or drag text from the Description pane to the editor window.