Obsolete Features in DAO


Microsoft Access versions 1.x and 2.0 and Microsoft Visual Basic version 3.0 used earlier versions of DAO. Several objects, methods, properties, and statements in those earlier versions are considered "obsolete" but are still supported for backwards compatibility with existing user code.

The following is a list of DAO methods, properties, objects, and statements that have been replaced by more powerful, flexible, and easy-to-use features. Each obsolete feature in the list has a corresponding replacement feature.

Obsolete feature Replacement feature
All CreateDynaset methods OpenRecordset method
All CreateSnapshot methods OpenRecordset method
All ListFields methods Fields collection
All ListIndexes methods Indexes collection
CompactDatabase statement DBEngine.CompactDatabase method
CreateDatabase statement DBEngine.CreateDatabase method
DBEngine.FreeLocks method DBEngine.Idle method
DBEngine.SetDefaultWorkspace method DBEngine.DefaultUser and
DBEngine.Password properties
DBEngine.SetDataAccessOption method DBEngine.IniPath property
Database.BeginTrans method Workspace.BeginTrans method
Database.CommitTrans method Workspace.CommitTrans method
Database.Rollback method Workspace.Rollback method
Database.DeleteQuerydef method Delete method
Database.ExecuteSQL method Execute method
Database.ListTables method Tabledefs collection
Database.OpenQuerydef method Querydefs collection
Database.OpenTable method OpenRecordset method
FieldSize method FieldSize property
Index.Fields property Index.Fields collection
OpenDatabase statement DBEngine.OpenDatabase method
Querydef.ListParameters method Parameters collection
Snapshot object Recordset object
Dynaset object Recordset object
Table object Recordset object