A Relation object represents a relationship between fields in tables or queries (Microsoft Jet databases only).
You can use the Relation object to create new relationships and examine existing relationships in your database.
Using a Relation object and its properties, you can:
If you make changes that violate the relationships established for the database, a trappable error occurs. If you request cascading update or cascading delete operations, the Microsoft Jet database engine also modifies the primary or foreign key tables to enforce the relationships you establish.
For example, the Northwind database contains a relationship between an Orders table and a Customers table. The CustomerID field of the Customers table is the primary key, and the CustomerID field of the Orders table is the foreign key. For Microsoft Jet to accept a new record in the Orders table, it searches the Customers table for a match on the CustomerID field of the Orders table. If Microsoft Jet doesn't find a match, it doesn't accept the new record, and a trappable error occurs.
When you enforce referential integrity, a unique index must already exist for the key field of the referenced table. The Microsoft Jet database engine automatically creates an index with the Foreign property set to act as the foreign key in the referencing table.
To create a new Relation object, use the CreateRelation method. To refer to a Relation object in a collection by its ordinal number or by its Name property setting, use any of the following syntax forms: