CopyQueryDef Method Example

This example uses the CopyQueryDef method to create a copy of a QueryDef from an existing Recordset and modifies the copy by adding a clause to the SQL property. When you create a permanent QueryDef, spaces, semicolons, or linefeeds may be added to the SQL property; these extra characters must be stripped before any new clauses can be attached to the SQL statement.

Function CopyQueryNew(rstTemp As Recordset, _
   strAdd As String) As QueryDef

   Dim strSQL As String
   Dim strRightSQL As String

   Set CopyQueryNew = rstTemp.CopyQueryDef
   With CopyQueryNew
      ' Strip extra characters.
      strSQL = .SQL
      strRightSQL = Right(strSQL, 1)
      Do While strRightSQL = " " Or strRightSQL = ";" Or _
            strRightSQL = Chr(10) Or strRightSQL = vbCr
         strSQL = Left(strSQL, Len(strSQL) - 1)
         strRightSQL = Right(strSQL, 1)
      .SQL = strSQL & strAdd
   End With

End Function

This example shows a possible use of CopyQueryNew().

Sub CopyQueryDefX()

   Dim dbsNorthwind As Database
   Dim qdfEmployees As QueryDef
   Dim rstEmployees As Recordset
   Dim intCommand As Integer
   Dim strOrderBy As String
   Dim qdfCopy As QueryDef
   Dim rstCopy As Recordset

   Set dbsNorthwind = OpenDatabase("Northwind.mdb")
   Set qdfEmployees = dbsNorthwind.CreateQueryDef( _
      "NewQueryDef", "SELECT FirstName, LastName, " & _
      "BirthDate FROM Employees")
   Set rstEmployees = qdfEmployees.OpenRecordset( _

   Do While True
      intCommand = Val(InputBox( _
         "Choose field on which to order a new " & _
         "Recordset:" & vbCr & "1 - FirstName" & vbCr & _
         "2 - LastName" & vbCr & "3 - BirthDate" & vbCr & _
         "[Cancel - exit]"))
      Select Case intCommand
         Case 1
            strOrderBy = " ORDER BY FirstName"
         Case 2
            strOrderBy = " ORDER BY LastName"
         Case 3
            strOrderBy = " ORDER BY BirthDate"
         Case Else
            Exit Do
      End Select
      Set qdfCopy = CopyQueryNew(rstEmployees, strOrderBy)
      Set rstCopy = qdfCopy.OpenRecordset(dbOpenSnapshot, _
      With rstCopy
         Do While Not .EOF
            Debug.Print !LastName & ", " & !FirstName & _
               " - " & !BirthDate
      End With
      Exit Do

   ' Delete new QueryDef because this is a demonstration.
   dbsNorthwind.QueryDefs.Delete qdfEmployees.Name

End Sub