AbsolutePosition Property


Sets or returns the relative record number of a Recordset object's current record.

Settings and Return Values

The setting or return value is a Long integer from 0 to one less than the number of records in the Recordset object. It corresponds to the ordinal position of the current record in the Recordset object specified by the object.


You can use the AbsolutePosition property to position the current record pointer to a specific record based on its ordinal position in a dynaset- or snapshot-type Recordset object. You can also determine the current record number by checking the AbsolutePosition property setting.

Because the AbsolutePosition property value is zero-based (that is, a setting of 0 refers to the first record in the Recordset object), you cannot set it to a value greater than or equal to the number of populated records; doing so causes a trappable error. You can determine the number of populated records in the Recordset object by checking the RecordCount property setting. The maximum allowable setting for the AbsolutePosition property is the value of the RecordCount property minus 1.

If there is no current record, as when there are no records in the Recordset object, AbsolutePosition returns –1. If the current record is deleted, the AbsolutePosition property value isn't defined, and a trappable error occurs if it's referenced. New records are added to the end of the sequence.

You shouldn't use this property as a surrogate record number. Bookmarks are still the recommended way of retaining and returning to a given position and are the only way to position the current record across all types of Recordset objects. In particular, the position of a record changes when one or more records preceding it are deleted. There is also no assurance that a record will have the same absolute position if the Recordset object is re-created again because the order of individual records within a Recordset object isn't guaranteed unless it's created with an SQL statement by using an ORDER BY clause.
