UserName Property Example

This example uses the UserName property to change a particular user's permissions on an object and to verify that user's ability to append new data to the same object.

Sub UserNameX()

   ' Ensure that the Microsoft Jet workgroup information 
   ' file is available.
   DBEngine.SystemDB = "system.mdw"

   Dim dbsNorthwind As Database
   Dim docTemp As Document

   Set dbsNorthwind = OpenDatabase("Northwind.mdb")

   Set docTemp = _

   ' Change the permissions of NewUser on the first Document 
   ' object in the Tables container.
   With docTemp
      .UserName = "NewUser"
      .Permissions = dbSecRetrieveData
      If (.Permissions And dbSecInsertData) = _
            dbSecInsertData Then
         Debug.Print .UserName & " can insert data."
         Debug.Print .UserName & " can't insert data."
      End If
   End With


End Sub