wildcard characters

The asterisk (*), question mark (?), number sign (#), exclamation point (!), hyphen (-), and brackets ([ ]) are wildcard characters. You can use these characters in queries and expressions to include all records, file names, or other items that begin with specific characters or match a certain pattern. You can also use wildcard characters and matching characters to further refine a search when using an SQL statement.

Symbol Usage Example
* Matches any number of characters, and can be used anywhere in the character string wh* finds what, white, and why

*at finds cat, bat, and what

? Matches any single character b?ll finds ball, bell, and bill
# Matches any single digit 1#3 finds 103, 113, 123
[ ] Matches any single character within the brackets b[ae]ll finds ball and bell but not bill
! Matches any character not in the list b[!ae]ll finds bill and bull but not bell or ball
- Matches any one of a range of characters b[a-c]d finds bad, bbd, and bcd

Note The wildcard characters * (asterisk), ? (question mark), # (number sign), and [ (opening bracket) can match themselves only if enclosed in brackets.