A constraint is similar to an index, although it can also be used to establish a relationship with another table.

You use the CONSTRAINT clause in ALTER TABLE and CREATE TABLE statements to create or delete constraints. There are two types of CONSTRAINT clauses: one for creating a constraint on a single field and one for creating a constraint on more than one field.

Note The Microsoft Jet database engine doesn't support the use of CONSTRAINT, or any of the data definition language (DDL) statements, with non-Microsoft Jet databases. Use the DAO Create methods instead.


Single-field constraint:

REFERENCES foreigntable [(foreignfield1, foreignfield2)]}

Multiple-field constraint:

{PRIMARY KEY (primary1[, primary2 [, ...]]) |
UNIQUE (unique1[, unique2 [, ...]]) |
NOT NULL (notnull1[, notnull2 [, ...]]) |
FOREIGN KEY (ref1[, ref2 [, ...]]) REFERENCES foreigntable [(foreignfield1 [, foreignfield2 [, ...]])]}

The CONSTRAINT clause has these parts:

Part Description
name The name of the constraint to be created.
primary1, primary2 The name of the field or fields to be designated the primary key.
unique1, unique2 The name of the field or fields to be designated as a unique key.
notnull1, notnull2 The name of the field or fields that are restricted to non-Null values.
ref1, ref2 The name of a foreign key field or fields that refer to fields in another table.
foreigntable The name of the foreign table containing the field or fields specified by foreignfield.
foreignfield1, foreignfield2 The name of the field or fields in foreigntable specified by ref1, ref2. You can omit this clause if the referenced field is the primary key of foreigntable.


You use the syntax for a single-field constraint in the field-definition clause of an ALTER TABLE or CREATE TABLE statement immediately following the specification of the field's data type.

You use the syntax for a multiple-field constraint whenever you use the reserved word CONSTRAINT outside a field-definition clause in an ALTER TABLE or CREATE TABLE statement.

Using CONSTRAINT, you can designate a field as one of the following types of constraints: