AllowZeroLength Property


Sets or returns a value that indicates whether a zero-length string ("") is a valid setting for the Value property of the CdbField object with a Text or Memo data type.


VOIDSetAllowZeroLength(BOOL bFlag);



Type Example Description
BOOL bFlag TRUE if the CdbField object accepts a zero-length string as its Value property.


For an object not yet appended to the Fields collection, this property is read/write.

Once appended to a Fields collection, the availability of the AllowZeroLength property depends on the object that contains the Fields collection, as shown in the following table.

If the Fields collection belongs to a Then AllowZeroLength is
CdbIndex object Not supported
CdbQueryDef object Read-only
CdbRecordset object Read-only
CdbRelation object Not supported
CdbTableDef object Read/write

You can use this property along with the Required, ValidateOnSet, or ValidationRule property to validate a value in a field.