Permissions Property


Sets or returns a value that establishes the permissions for the user or group identified by the UserName property of a CdbContainer or CdbDocument object (Microsoft Jet workspaces only).


VOIDSetPermissions(LONG lPermissions);



Type Example Description
LONG lPermissions A Long that contains values as listed in Remarks.


Use this property to establish or determine the type of read/write permission the user has for a CdbContainer or CdbDocument object.

The following tables list the valid constants for the Permissions property of various DAO objects. Unless otherwise noted, all constants shown in all tables are valid for CdbDocument objects as well.

For a CdbContainer object other than Tables and Databases containers, any of the following constants are available.

Constant The User
dbSecNoAccess Does not have access to the object (not valid for Document objects).
dbSecFullAccess Has full access to the object.
dbSecDelete Can delete the object.
dbSecReadSec Can read the object's security-related information.
dbSecWriteSec Can alter access permissions.
dbSecWriteOwner Can change the Owner property setting.

For a CdbContainer object for the Tables container, any of the following constants are available.

Constant The User Can
dbSecCreate Create new documents (not valid for CdbDocument objects).
dbSecReadDef Read the table definition, including column and index information.
dbSecWriteDef Modify or delete the table definition, including column and index information.
dbSecRetrieveData Retrieve data from the CdbDocument object.
dbSecInsertData Add records.
dbSecReplaceData Modify records.
dbSecDeleteData Delete records.

For a CdbContainer object for the Databases container, any of the following constants are available.

Constant The User
dbSecDBAdmin Can replicate a database and change the database password (not valid for CdbDocument objects).
dbSecDBCreate Can create new databases. This option is valid only on the Databases container in the workgroup information file (Systen.mdw). This constant isn't valid for CdbDocument objects.
dbSecDBExclusive Has exclusive access to the database.
dbSecDBOpen Can open the database.

Use this property to establish or determine the type of read/write permission the user has for a CdbContainer or CdbDocument object.

A CdbDocument object inherits the permissions for users from its CdbContainer object, provided the Inherit property of the CdbContainer object is set for those users or for a group to which the users belong. By setting a CdbDocument object's Permissions and UserName properties later, you can further refine the access control behavior of your object.

If you want to set or return permissions for a user that include permissions inherited from any groups to which the user belongs, use the AllPermissions property.