SourceField, SourceTable Properties


Syntax: GetSourceField


Syntax: GetSourceTable



For a CdbField object, use of the SourceField and SourceTable properties depends on the object that contains the Fields collection that the CdbField object is appended to, as shown in the following table.

Object appended to Usage
CdbIndex Not supported
CdbQueryDef Read-only
CdbRecordset Read-only
CdbRelation Not supported
CdbTableDef Read-only

These properties indicate the original field and table names associated with a CdbField object. For example, you could use these properties to determine the original source of the data in a query field whose name is unrelated to the name of the field in the underlying table.

Note The SourceTable property will not return a meaningful table name if used on a CdbField object in the Fields collection of a table-type CdbRecordset object.