validatePassword.asp Module Code

The validatePassword.asp module retrieves and displays the information of one product. The main steps are:

  1. The Connection Object: Making and opening a connection

    This application first uses the following steps to define a connection to a database by setting up a Connection object to reference the data source:

    1. Set up the Connection object.

    2. Return the number of seconds to wait when creating a connection before stopping the attempt and returning an error specified in the global.asa module.

    3. Return the number of seconds to wait when executing a command before stopping the attempt and returning an error specified in the global.asa module.

    4. Specifies the data source and user name to apply when opening the connection.

    5. Open the connection:

    The corresponding code follows:

    Set connPubs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    connPubs.ConnectionTimeout = Session("accts_ConnectionTimeout")
    connPubs.CommandTimeout = Session("accts_CommandTimeout")
    connPubs.ConnectionString = "DSN=Sample;UID=sa;"
  2. The Command Object: Specifying a query that is a stored procedure

    After creating and opening a connection, the application sets up a Command object by using the following steps:

    1. Set up the Command object.

    2. Specify the text of the command to execute.

    3. Specify that the command text is a stored procedure.

    The corresponding code follows:

    Set cmdPubs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")cmdPubs.CommandText = "sp_validate_password"
    cmdPubs.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
  3. The Parameter Object: Specifying the input and output parameters of a command

    After creating a Command object, the application sets up a Parameter object by using the following steps:

    1. Set up the Parameter object collection.

    2. Add the following input parameters to the collection:

      @pivcEmailAddress of type Character with a size of 64

      @pivcPassword of type Character with a size of 32

    3. Add the following output parameters to the collection:

      @poiCustomerId of type Integer with a size of 4

      @poiReturnCode of type Integer with a size of 4

    The corresponding code follows:

    set p = cmdPubs.Parameters
    p.Append cmdPubs.CreateParameter("@pivcEmailAddress", adVarChar,     adParamInput, 64) 
    p.Append cmdPubs.CreateParameter("@pivcPassword", adVarChar,     adParamInput, 32)
    p.Append cmdPubs.CreateParameter("@poiCustomerID", adInteger,     adParamOutput, 4) 
    p.Append cmdPubs.CreateParameter("@poiReturnCode", adInteger,     adParamOutput, 4)
  4. The Parameter Object: Assigning values to the input parameters of a command

    The following code specifies the values to assign to the input parameters:

    cmdPubs("@pivcEmailAddress") = Session("cEmailAddress")
    cmdPubs("@pivcPassword") = Session("cPassword")
  5. The Command Object: Creating an active connection and executing a command

    The following code specifies the connection to use and then executes a command:

    Set cmdPubs.ActiveConnection = connPubs
  6. The Parameter Object: Assigning values from the output parameters of a command to session variables

    The following code assigns the values of the output parameters to session variables:

    Session("CustomerID") = cmdPubs("@poiCustomerID")Session("rcPassword") = cmdPubs("@poiReturnCode")