Appearance Constants
Constant | Value | Description |
drpflat | 0 | Control appears flat. |
drp3D | 1 | Control has 3D features. |
BorderStyle Constants
Constant | Value | Description |
drpNoBorder | 0 | Control has no border. |
drpFixedSingle | 1 | Control has a single line border |
CaptionStyle Constants
Constant | Value | Description |
drpNoCaption | 0 | Caption is hidden. |
drpLeftAligned | 1 | Caption is left-aligned. |
drpRightAligned | 2 | Caption is right-aligned. |
drpCentered | 3 | Caption is centered. |
Error Constants
Constant | Value | Description |
drpOutOfMemory | 7 | Out of memory. |
drpTypeMismatch | 13 | Type mismatch. |
drpObjVarNotSet | 91 (&H5B) | Object variable or With block variable not set. |
drpInvalidPropertyValue | 380 (&H17C) | Invalid property value. |
drpInvalidPropertyArrayIndex | 381 (&H17D) | Invalid property array index. |
drpSetNotSupportedAtRuntime | 382 (&H17E) | The property can't be set at run time. |
drpSetNotSupported | 383 (&H17F) | Property is read-only. |
drpSetNotPermitted | 387 (&H183) | Property can't be set on this control. |
drpGetNotSupported | 394 (&H18A) | Property is write-only. |
drpObjectDoesntSupportProp | 438 (&H1B6) | Object doesn't support this property or method. |
drpCreateRepeaterControl | 32000 (&H7D00) | Unable to create RepeatedControl |
drpInvalidProgID | 32001 (&H7D01) | Invalid ProgID or class object not supported. |
drpInvalidBookmark | 32002 (&H7D02) | Invalid bookmark |
drpNoDataSource | 32003 (&H7D03) | No datasource or datasource is empty. |
drpNoVisibleRows | 32004 (&H7D04) | There are no visible rows. |
drpCantSetActiveRow | 32005 (&H7D05) | The active row cannot be set without affecting the current record position. |
drpBadVisibleRecordIndex | 32006 (&H7D06) | VisibleRecord index must be between zero and VisibleRows-1. |
drpInvalidRecordBookmark | 32007 (&H7D07) | The bookmark is invalid or the corresponding record is no longer present. |
drpIndexOutOfBounds | 35600 (&H8B10) | Index out of bounds. |
drpElemNotFound | 35601 (&H8B11) | Element not found. |
drpNonUniqueKey | 35602 (&H8B12) | Key is not unique in collection. |
drpInvalidKey | 35603 (&H8B13) | Invalid key. |
drpElemNotPartOfCollection | 35605 (&H8B15) | Object is no longer a collection member. |
drpCollectionChangedDuringEnum | 35606 (&H8B16) | Control's collection has been modified. |
drpBadObjectReference | 35610 (&H8B1A) | Invalid object. |
drpWouldIntroduceCycle | 35614 (&H8B1E) | Action would introduce a cycle. |
drpCircularReference | 35700 (&H8B74) | Circular object referencing is not allowed. |
drpPropertyNotBindable | 35701 (&H8B75) | Property is not bindable. |
drpInvalidIndexOrKey | 35702 (&H8B76) | Invalid index or key. |
drpAlreadyBound | 35703 (&H8B77) | PropertyName already bound. |
drpInvalidPropertyName | 35704 (&H8B78) | Invalid PropertyName. |
drpInvalidDataField | 35705 (&H8B79) | Invalid DataField. |
MousePointer Constants
Constant | Value | Description |
drpDefault | 0 | Default. |
drpArrow | 1 | Arrow mouse pointer. |
drpCross | 2 | Cross mouse pointer. |
drpIBeam | 3 | I-Beam mouse pointer. |
drpIcon | 4 | Icon mouse pointer. |
drpSize | 5 | Size mouse pointer. |
drpSizeNESW | 6 | Size NE SW mouse pointer. |
drpSizeNS | 7 | Size N S mouse pointer. |
drpSizeNWSE | 8 | Size NW SE mouse pointer. |
drpSizeEW | 9 | Size W E mouse pointer. |
drpUpArrow | 10 | Up arrow mouse pointer. |
drpHourglass | 11 | Hourglass mouse pointer. |
drpNoDrop | 12 | No drop mouse pointer. |
drpArrowHourglass | 13 | Arrow and Hourglass mouse pointer |
drpArrowQuestion | 14 | Arrow and Question mark mouse pointer. |
drpSizeAll | 15 | Size all mouse pointer. |
drpCustom | 99 (&H63) | Custom mouse pointer icon specified by the MouseIcon property. |
RowDividerStyle Constants
Constant | Value | Description |
drpNoDivider | 0 | No line drawn between rows. |
drpFlatLine | 1 | Flat line drawn between rows. |
drpInset | 2 | 3D inset line drawn between rows. |
drpRaised | 3 | 3D raised line drawn between rows. |
Scrollbars Constants
Constant | Value | Description |
drpNoScrollBars | 0 | No scrollbars. |
drpHorizontal | 1 | Horizontal scrollbars only. |
drpVertical | 2 | Vertical scrollbars only. |
drpBoth | 3 | Horizontal and Vertical scrollbars appear. |
drpAuto | 4 | Scrollbars are drawn as required. |