Fully Connected Topology

As its name suggests, the fully connected topology involves a replica set in which each replica synchronizes with every other replica. One way of conceptualizing the fully connected topology is as a star topology where every replica acts as a hub.

The fully connected topology has several benefits. One of the most significant benefits is the low latency time for data propagation. Because each replica synchronizes with every other replica, data is sent directly to all replicas without having to indirectly disperse through a series of replicas.

Another benefit of the fully connected topology is its high degree of redundancy and reliability. In the fully connected topology, each replica is a controlling replica that initiates synchronization. As a result, the impact of computer or replica failure on the entire application is minimized.

The fully connected topology can be useful in applications where data is changed frequently in most or all of the replicas and it’s important to disperse these changes as quickly as possible.

Despite its benefits, the fully connected topology can be inefficient because it involves many more synchronizations than other topologies and therefore requires more overhead and network traffic. If your application involves frequent synchronization among a large number of replicas, the fully connected topology might generate a prohibitive amount of overhead. In a fully connected scenario with n replicas, the number of synchronizations that occur is n times n. For example, 30 replicas would involve 900 separate synchronizations. If you’re using a fully connected topology, it might be wise to stagger the replication schedules to reduce the amount of record locks that could occur with simultaneous synchronizations.