Reducing Connections by Limiting the Size of Recordsets

If your database server services one query at a time, you can reduce connection usage by limiting the size of dynaset-type Recordset objects to 100 records. A dynaset-type Recordset object with 100 or fewer records can be managed through a single connection. If the dynaset-type Recordset object contains more than 100 records, however, Microsoft Jet must use two connections to manage the recordset: one connection to maintain the key values and a second connection to retrieve the data associated with those keys for all records visible on the user’s screen. Although it’s possible for other dynaset-type Recordset objects to share the second (data values) connection, they cannot share the first (bookmark) connection, because it’s possible that not all key values have been retrieved from the server. You should note however, that as soon as all bookmarks have been retrieved, that connection is available for reuse.