Microsoft Download Service

Microsoft Download Service (MSDL) operates in the same manner as any MS-DOS – based computer bulletin board system (BBS). MSDL contains Application Notes, driver files, and other types of support files you might want to download.

To use MSDL, you must have a modem and a terminal package such as Microsoft Works, Windows Terminal, Procomm, or Crosstalk™. If you experience difficulty while you are working with the MSDL, try calling a local BBS so you can avoid paying long-distance charges while trying to determine the cause of the problem. Technical support is not available on the MSDL.

MSDL supports 1200, 2400, 9600, and 14,400 baud rates (V.32 and V.42), with 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity. After you have chosen these settings, you can begin the session as follows.

To connect to Microsoft Download Service

  1. Call MSDL at (425) 936-6735.
  2. Type your full name and the location you are calling from.
  3. At the MSDL Main Menu, type the number of the option you want.

From this menu you can download files, search the file index, view instructions on using MSDL, obtain a Windows driver library update, and obtain other information.